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Here is Why: Grow list

I find that Jalapenos take FOREVER to ripen. I had the seven pod peppers ripe and dehydrated but those stubborn Jalapenos stayed green until September. Anyone else find that? I know that they are mostly sold green in the stores but I always figure that they're hotter when they turn red. Maybe I'm wrong. I've about given up on growing them anyway. If I want some I'll just buy them. My garden is too small to not have every inch filled with super-hots I can't just go out and buy. -- That's my new philosophy.
I can hopefully get them out the first week in June, unless we have a spring like last year. Since the days are getting longer, I'm weaning them on to sunlight in a south facing window now and cutting back on the grow-light time. Hopefully I don't end up with a Biker Billy tree:)

Anything particularly abnormal about the size of the leaves? The Jalapenos sure make the Habs look tiny, but I kinda expected that.
Pam said:
Jalapenos have thicker flesh than 7 Pods, of course they're going to take longer to ripen.

That makes sense Pam. I'm all cock-eyed...I was thinking that the relative heat of the pepper had some bearing on the length of time it would take to ripen. Thickness of the flesh!! Of course that would be the dominant factor. :rolleyes:
Photobucket must be having trouble. Tried to upload some new photos. Experimental plants are doing well, just waiting for all of the buds to flowers at this point.

First wave of plants for the garden (Chinense varieties) are doing well. Had 80% germination rate with my "poor-mans" setup. Most seeds germinated between 10 and 15 days with the last couple coming up at 23 days.

Second wave of Annums for the garden were planted March 1. Same exact setup as the first wave. I am getting worried because none have emerged at this point (16 days). Should I be patient or should I replant. My plant out date is at the end of May so I have a little time. I cheated and dug three seeds up and noticed they were swollen but showed no evidence of germination.

I guess young grasshopper must remain patient.

I'm using a 72 cell tray with Hyponex seed starter on top of the refrigerator. The seed stock was tested in December and January and all varieties germinated, the Annums all within 14 days.
The Annums are not breaking any records, but they finally started to hook. Have five up between yesterday and today. Maybe the seed tray isn't getting warm enough on the fridge.

Also got Photobucket to take my pics, so here are some updates.

Here is the Biker Billy plant getting ready to flower.


Check out the size of one of its leaves, I can palm a basketball...


My Jalapeno M plant is doing well, but the top leaves are a little rolled up. Any ideas?


The C. Red is doing well, too. It finally forked.

Here are my transplanted mystery seedlings. Top row, second in from left is a C. Red, others are unknown.


Here is the crazy pepper that is growing like a weed.

Damn dude, those are very nice! The Biker Billy is freakin' HUGE! When did you start that one?

My Jalapeno M's are also leggy and their upper leaves tend to curl at night. Once dawn comes, they straighten right out...don't know what causes this but I'd love to know.
The Biker Billy was planted December 20th. For a while it was just a straight shoot with lots of big leaves. Thought it was going to grow into a tree. Does this hybrid grow larger than the regular Jalapeno plants?
The C. Red was put in the dirt on November 23 but didn't show itself until December 19. I kept it in a cup until potting up to a 6 inch pot in late January. I just potted up to the 12 inch pot a few weeks ago and it is really taking off now that it is in the sun. I can't wait for it to flower.
Finally, flowers on the Biker Billy!


I'm excited because it is just the beginning. But now what? Do I need to help pollination along? How long will a flower hang around before it does its job? How long until I get to try a green Biker Billy and a red one? What should I feed the plant now? Haven't done any fertilizing yet, just relied on the potting soil which is 0.1-0.08-0.06 NPK.
Got peppers! Well, if I wait a little longer. The Biker Billy is really starting to flower, and the first flowers are starting to grow into peppers.


Planted it on 12/23/09, so it is moving along nicely.
Get ready for an assload of fruit from those C. Reds... Heres what I got in two months last year.

Frozen Haul

Inside look (Seeds removed)

Closer look

I love how they are red inside and out, no food coloring needed for making Hot Sauce! Also the flavor and aroma on these things are fantastic!
That is a butt load of peppers!

Turd my man you're looking good here. Hope you continue to post pics throughout the growing season. I'd like to see what a warm summer up there can grow. Best of luck to ya!
Richard, how many plants gave you that load of amazing peppers? I've got two indoor C. Reds growing and 9 started for plant-out in late May. I kinda figure I'll have up to 6 plants producing but am concerned that the growing season may be a little short up here for a major haul from all of them. Who knows. I very much enjoy orange hab flavor and heat. How do the Reds compare? I am very excited based on your little post and can't wait to eat the first raw pepper off of my plants.

Patrick, thanks for the compliments. I plan on posting updates throughout the growing season. I'm in the southeastern part of the state so we get a fair amount of rain in the spring and early summer, but then it gets hot and dry through the heat of the summer. Hoping for a late first frost next fall.
Pepper Turd said:
Richard, how many plants gave you that load of amazing peppers? I've got two indoor C. Reds growing and 9 started for plant-out in late May. I kinda figure I'll have up to 6 plants producing but am concerned that the growing season may be a little short up here for a major haul from all of them. Who knows. I very much enjoy orange hab flavor and heat. How do the Reds compare? I am very excited based on your little post and can't wait to eat the first raw pepper off of my plants.

Patrick, thanks for the compliments. I plan on posting updates throughout the growing season. I'm in the southeastern part of the state so we get a fair amount of rain in the spring and early summer, but then it gets hot and dry through the heat of the summer. Hoping for a late first frost next fall.

I had around 13 pots last year (some with two per pot), two of them were Orange Habs the rest were Caribbean Reds, I had them growing indoors untill about half way through the year because they were not fruiting under lights (however the orange habs were). As soon as I stuck them out my windows where they received 7 hours of direct sun a day, they f-in exploded with fruit!

I'd let them get loaded outside which took about a week, then i'd bring them in and put unloaded plants (with no fruit) in their place. When the pods were ripe, I'd pick them and swap again, this time bringing in the one that replaced it which by then was loaded with fruit.

Click here for picture And Here.

Anyway enough with my apartment method, to answer your question... That image I posted was just a portion of the total harvest for the second half of the 08 season. I had so much friut I didnt have room in my freezer for food!

I started them in early January from seed btw and when they were fruiting I fed them with Epsom Salt (in the water) and Miracle Grow Bloom Booster (15-30-15) which also has micro nutrients.

The Pods get to full size very fast, to a light green color and then they can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks to ripen!

The flavor of these things is intense, first of all they are at least double the aroma and flavor of your typical Orange Habanero and has a slightly different taste, more fruity almost strawberry like. Sometimes it's so potent the smell makes you sick to your stomach! (Removing Seeds). They are VERY Hot, twice as hot as my Orange Habs which were pretty damn hot in the first place.

I'm sure you are going to enjoy them as much as I did. Good luck!
Richard, you keep adding to my excitement. Can't wait for some pods. I'll add 1 indoor and 9 outdoor orange habs to the harvest. Hope the C. reds do have a strawberry flavor to them. I love strawberries.

Finally made a visit to Lowes this morning. Found a couple of things there to add to my grow list. Had a hard time finding Serrano seeds in town until today. Tried germinating seeds from store bought peppers with no luck. Today I finally found some seeds. Hope they produce well.

Also found some seeds I had been looking forward to getting for next year. Hot Lemon! Been reading several posts on various web sites about these. Found the seeds at Lowes and decided I have time to add them to the list. So, Hot Lemon = Lemon Drops right?