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Hey Cappy

Hand lining is exactly that, when a fish goes deep and the angler cannot lift the fish off the bottom any help by touching the main line and assisting the angler is not allowed.
Dang I just read the tail wrapped part...seems like a common thing for large marlin.

Bac Bar's fish was tail wrapped
Arch Bracher's 900 some pounder was tail wrapped a few years ago
This fish was tail wrapped
A small 250 or so was tail wrapped a few weeks ago out of Oregon Inlet.
Another big one, can't think of which one right off hand was tail wrapped.
A tripleheader of sailfish is a rare event, but it almost went unnoticed on this crazy day when all the attention was on Citation’s amazing catch.

Seems to be pretty common in late summer from what I hear. Around that August time I was mentioning. Whether they all get hooked up, maybe rare, but have heard a lot of captains saying they've gotten gang banged by a bunch of sails or whites.
In the fall sailfish run when we are slow trolling with dredges out, boats catch 10 to 15 sails a day with many of them being doubles and triples. I was on a boat late 2004 where we hooked 2 Blue Marlin and 2 Sailfish simultaneously, releasing all 4 fish unharmed. Not that uncommon.
I think the most fascinating thing is what those big blues eat. Steve Coulter of the Sea Creature told me he figured the a 20-30lb YFT or 30-40lb mahi was probably the best bait to get a 400lber to look at you. Ive seen them bridle some football sized tuna and things up for those blacks out in the Pacific, and kings and spanish in the atlantic for blues, but not sure how you'd fish a 30lb YFT or 40lb dolphin lol. I do recall a story out of oregon inlet, guy had a bull dolphin almost to the gaff and a 350-400lb blue engulfed, and swallowed (not sure if the hook got lodge or what) to the point where they were able to land the blue as well.

Also read some things where a 100lb+ YFT was found inside of a grander+ caught in hawaii, as well as some white marlin and spearfish found in some of the large fish.
Got one coming in...ETA- 3:00pm. Probably fishing for second place, but money is money! Stay tuned or tune in at www.thebigrock.com :woohoo:
Paying a potential $18K in entry fees...and a fish worth $200,000K.......hmmmmm you would put a gaff in it and tail rope it?
When you put money on the table it changes the game completely understood. Just hate to see them kill the marlin I'd like to put the steel in at Big Rock when she grows a wee bit bigger. :snooty: I'd have dried out the 883 on a regular day fishing. :D
Lol. I hear ya. Shame money does that to us. Interesting to see a tourny record broke but hate knowing everybody is fishing for second place. Even second is larger than most years firsts.
3 hook ups...still on...all three about an hour into the fight...

9 releases so far

15 hook ups total today. Hmmmm could be interesting rest of the day, tomorrow and friday as much as it has picked up today versus yesterday :woohoo:
Heard from a reliable source today (someone fishing there)that there is some sort of "controversy". Fish was hooked up, handed off, (2 touches), the Citation called in and asked about hand-offs, Big Rock said no rules about hand-offs, so they handed it off to someone else because they said the guy in the chair was about ready to have a heart attack, new angler...third handoff, then the fish died, and the mate hand-lined it in. Fourth hand-off.

I don't have a dog in this fight, I am just telling you what I heard...from someone who is there.

All the fish got the memo this morning that said let's go eat, good bite as big thunderstorms rolled through late last night. :fire: