Hi everyone, need help with a pepper name

ABurningMouth said:
High fat? There's no fat in there?
Seeds contain fat, even if in very low quantities.
Pepper seeds especially have extremely low amount of fat, that's why you can't even taste it.
BUT... the ones with (relatively) high fat have a certain flavor.
I just think someone saw dollars.. they look like fatalii or devils tongues and I bet they taste the same... I really need to fire that email off to the seed company in question but damnit I'm too drunk and lazy lol.
1 question. if datil's grow from green to yellow, then what about the type cross country nurseries sells ? they say theirs go from green to orange (to red sometimes) so which is the correct ripe color & who has the real datil ?
CCN sells 2 types - datil & datil sweet. the datil sweet they say will go to red but the other normal datil goes to orange & sometimes red.

just confused on which is the real datil. CCN says nothing about the color yellow
I'm no expert, just saying what I know.
Maybe it's like with the Naga Morich. meaning it should go red if the conditions are perfect. OR it might be a cross.
I'm pretty sure the true datil is yellow with a ting of orange not canary yellow or red. the red datil or sweet one is such a strech just cashing in on a renowned "Americanised pepper" ... Its like how there selling red fatalii not, they don't look like fatalii they don't tatse half as good as fatalii, its just economics. You ever noticed in the nurseries all the habanero types are always marked "worlds hottest" never worlds tastiest?

Sorrry for the rant it just bugs me.
I didnt want to stir everyone up, well maybe I did ;) :lol: J/K
I was just curious to know what is considered the true color of a datil when ripe. I guess deep yellow could be construed as orange, but then why say red ?

I thought the datil & datil sweet is 100% USA (FL) chile

stillz - I understand where you're coming from, about people labeling chiles as the worlds hottest. which is a crock of shit IMO, since I know which ones are the top contenders for that record (any real chilehead would know this) around here some stores sell caribbean red habs as worlds hottest :rolleyes:
chilehunter said:
around here some stores sell caribbean red habs as worlds hottest :rolleyes:
Well they are kinda hot. :P
To be honest, I don't think it really matters. I mean, for most people Caribbean red is more than enough.
If it's not hot enough, then a simple Google search will solve their problems. ;)
omri - caribbean red habs are plenty hot for me, & tasty I might say. but I was just agreeing with stillz that stores label some chiles as "worlds hottest" when in fact they are not the hottest chile, kinda false advertising. we all know which ones are the top contenders for this title.