Hi from Koonawarra, AU

Hi all from an hour south of Sydney!
Thanks to this site I'm finally getting into growing this year, got the "favourites" pack from The Hippie Seed Company mostly sprouted (where are you, NagaBons?), hoping it's not too late by the time they're ready to plant out.  Been reading at random and checking out some of the grow logs, awesome resource, thanks to all who contribute!
Gday from a fellow Aussie now living in Louisiana! :welcome:

Actually I'm a former Tennessean now living in Oz!

Thanks to all for the welcome, you guys are quick!
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
:welcome: to THP and Greetings from the Metrolina in North Carolina!
          (fair warning to down under! - this crazy 'ol Mick will be invading in a few weeks)