Hi from sunny Townsville, North Queensland, Australia

hi all
I am about to start my second chilli crop and thought I'd say hello.
Last year was my first attempt and I went ok but made quite a few blunders along the way which i have certainly learnt from.
This season I'm trying a hydroponic build and hoping for some good results.
I'm not quite up to eating the super hots but I like everything up to about habanero heat.
I'd love to chat to other hydroponic growers especially if you are growing in a tropical environment like myself
thanks turbo
PS How do I upload pics of my crop to my media? 
:welcome:  to the THP forums, mate! Great to have you here!
That's a nice looking grow/setup you have going there- love the pic showing what can happen in a simple weeks time! Best of growing to you!  :cool:  
Hi guys, my second season's seedlings are coming along great.   Here is a few random before and after pics.  (date format is dd/mm/yyyy)





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