G'day mich, welcome from Australia!
Wow... what an intro! You Swiss sure are crazy! (In the very best possible sense of course! )
I actually have a good mate over there who was living here for a few years and he was always a barrel of fun. I thought it was just him but now I think otherwise....
(He too had trouble with his English but it gave him a certain charisma)
Hello Gasyyyyy!!!!
Usually people's thinking about swiss like strange or calm persons... i only can invite you to "touch with your hand" the reality... So, for example you could take a tour on my youtube channel (nick: michelenascondino) and you'll see something interesting, unfortunately only in italian, but 2-3 videos you'll see can you give an idea about us.
Of course there's annoyng men and women, like wherever, but.... we are not so "normal" eheheh!
Uuuh, it's difficult to explain... let's do this way: come here, i wait for you at 12.00 o clock today, okkey? So we'll take a tour through new, incredible adventures
The mate you said, is here in Switzerland now? Where?