Hi from Washington state

@SL - We already have individual internet with our phones. So believe me last night we were both on here at the same time. Lol! Can't wait to get a little more involved in his world. :)

@SD- can't wait to meet you and your betterhalf! Next year should be more fun since I wont be pregnant anymore and we'll leave the kids at home. That way I can eat hot stuff easier :)

Aaron's a trip. Been together 10yrs and he still surprises me.
Hey Betterhalf. Aaron just left my house. We shared some superhots, and sauces, and powders (and some suffering too)! I think he will have a few stories for you. Ask him how the Brain Strain was.
That's what it's all about right there!

20 years here and I still surprise Christi all the time too HAHAHA!!!!

Is it "surprise" or...."I can't believe you just did that!" :lol:

(just kidding, bro!)

Chileaddict's heating up the neighborhood again! love it.
I'll have an actual review when I can sit down :).I will say though that my stomach is still killing me. I ended kneeling in front of rich's toilet for about 5 minutes while I hurled and sweated profusely. It wasn't pretty at all. I think this thing did more internal damage the scorpion I took. :(
And yet, you'll do it again next time, won't you, Aaron? :D

Have we totally hijacked BetterHalf's welcome thread? :lol:
So I don't think he's to sure about the brain strain but yes I am positive he'll do it again. SMH! This torture doesn't seem normal to me. I would rather eat too much cheesecake or ice cream and have that be why my stomach hurts. btw he says his stomach hurts again ......

Hijack away!!!!.... its very entertaining :)
His STOMACH hurts now.....any guesses on what'll hurt tomorrow? You could be the UltimateWife and put the roll of TP in the freezer right now.

quick ?, BetterHalf, what is "SMH"?
Ahhh! SMH, got it.

I can usually "free association" think and figure them out. Brain's working a little slow today, figured it was faster to just ask. There's probably an acronym/texting dictionary out there somewhere. Probably wouldn't be a bad idea for me to find it and print it out. My son thinks I'm technologically challenged because I don't know all the abbreviations and things like <3.
What a fun thread!

CJ got to her limit last night with a Tscorp from Sethsquatch. Her eyes were watering, sweat, alot of that inhaling, kind of like... well... never mind... anyway, it was too funny, I told her not to take that big of a piece, but like me..... she was jarred!

I can't wait to see your Spatzle!
Please forgive me Betterhalf. I swear it was all fun and games! I did not know he did what he did in the bathroom, otherwise I wouldn't have made my last comment.
I just saw him writhing in the grass and saying something about endorphin rush. It's what we do.