Hi from Washington state

Was it me? Was I the hold-out? Really???? Sorry - I was on the phone for a while...cough, cough. ANYHOO - Hey kids....WELCOME to THP! It's a wonderful website, full of good info and good times (sum mo' than others!), good recipes....and GeeWhiz, all sortsa good stuff! Hope you all have sum fun here! heh, heh....So...about those jello shots????? K, SD just kicked my ass off this site -----threatened to cut me off&sh*t!!!!!!! Cheer for now! C~
Happy Birthday, Megan!

Since you can't drink right now, I'll have an extra drink for you! :lol:
Is it wrong if I get hammered instead? :drunk:

P.S grubbing on the salsa Ann. :D Thanks again for doing that. Beer, chips, and TC Scorcher salsa. MMM classic win!
Awh You two smushy- wushy love birdie pies....

Aaaron! sha-blammo! Out of the park! Oh Yeah! whoot!

Hapfy birfday Megan...
AWW, Megan, you can't go posting sweet stuff like what Aaron did for your birthday, that'll totally ruin his macho online persona.

PS- CHA for you, Girl! and Aaron, glad you're enjoyng the fresh salsa. Is it hot enough? It's not as hot as the stuff at the NWChilefest.
Aww man Ann. The whole time I thought I was building tolerance. :lol: its just right to be able eat while watching the games or movies. Any hotter and it'd be on my eggs and my coworkers would be have a good laugh at my expense :).
Hehehe.... seriously there's four times of the year that he's nice... my bday, Christmas, mother's day and our anniversary. The rest of the 361 days of the year he is a total @$$hole. Really he isn't sappy and lovey dovey. I hate that crap. I would have to punch he in the nads if he was like that 24/7.
well, I'm with you there, at least on things like spending money on flowers and candy. Not my tastes, and I'm fortunate that my love feels the same way. Massage....OH YEA! that's a treat!

Honey has surprised me a couple times over the years, and that's all I need. I sent "the boys" to Wenatchee to buy a boat, they came home with a ring :crazy: