• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

Hi guys

DEFCON Creator said:
The idea of chugging extract is just plain stupid, not mention quite dangerous. The involuntary spasms this will cause within the esophageal tract will close the windpipe. Not to mention if you are an asthmatic, in which case they will probably have to trach (sp?) your throat to get you to breathe again. I have dealt with many testosterone-filled tin-plated Supermen, and have had most, if not all of them walking away in pain, and humiliation.

Extract is not a toy, and if used in mindless manners like this can and will cause medical problems. You stated you have only eaten a Jalapeno, this just underscores what I have previously stated. I pride myself on the extracts I make, and know the dangers surrounding them, something you have obviously overlooked in the quest to prove your lack of grey matter. You plan on chugging a bottle of 800,000 SHU? Good, go ahead, send us your video, I'll send it to the Darwin Awards, you'll be a shoe-in.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Sorry if this sounds a little harsh, it's meant to. You can seriously injure yourself with this kind of mindless task. Ask Tina, one drop of our ZERO put a "hole" in her daughters tongue, and I am now known in her household as just plain "Evil". People on here are goading you into a VERY unpleasant experience, but by all means, ignore my warning, and tempt fate. Hope you have insurance.
I couldn't agree more with the Creator. I just so happen to have the MSDS in front of me-
LD50 (lethal dose- 50 kilograms) 47.2 mg/kg (oral)
512 mg/kg (dermal)
I can think of better ways to go. Besides, we all like you so!
i seriously think if he downs a bottle of franks(don't think that would kill him unless he has a alergy) that after that experiance the idea of doing anthing hotter would go straight out of his head.
when i downed my bottle of texas pete i had a kinda stomach cramp all night and then the next day hot diarea..i sat on a bag of ice water for a day. it was cool at the time but i had to pay for it.
DEFCON Creator said:
Ask Tina, one drop of our ZERO put a "hole" in her daughters tongue, and I am now known in her household as just plain "Evil".
If that's true, now I REALLY can't wait to get my bottle of ZERO!
Yeah, it's funny but true. The ZERO isn't any 15 million SHU, but it's one of the cleanest extracts out there. There's is literally NO taste, just heat, and NO aftertaste whatsoever. Some people have asked why I would create something like that, my simple response is, "Let's say you have your great-great-great grandmothers chili recipe. People love it, but some don't think it's hot enough. A few drops of ZERO will add the heat, without disturbing the flavor of the chili at all."
DEFCON Creator said:
Yeah, it's funny but true. The ZERO isn't any 15 million SHU, but it's one of the cleanest extracts out there. There's is literally NO taste, just heat, and NO aftertaste whatsoever. Some people have asked why I would create something like that, my simple response is, "Let's say you have your great-great-great grandmothers chili recipe. People love it, but some don't think it's hot enough. A few drops of ZERO will add the heat, without disturbing the flavor of the chili at all."

that is ecactly what im looking for.
Well Bubba, you may be in luck. When the Batch #3 has its unveiling on Sept. 9 (online Sept 10-11) in addition to the collectors bottles, which people really don't like having to open to taste the stuff, I will have a very limited amount of ZERO's that are un-numbered and unsigned. If you're interested, shoot me the e-mail address you want the ZERO e-mail to go to when it's available. I can't tell you how many of the unmarked ZERO's there will be, as we are using the overrun from the collectors bottles to fill them, and we haven't harvested the stuff yet.
DEFCON Creator said:
Yeah, it's funny but true. The ZERO isn't any 15 million SHU, but it's one of the cleanest extracts out there. There's is literally NO taste, just heat, and NO aftertaste whatsoever. Some people have asked why I would create something like that, my simple response is, "Let's say you have your great-great-great grandmothers chili recipe. People love it, but some don't think it's hot enough. A few drops of ZERO will add the heat, without disturbing the flavor of the chili at all."

I can attest to that! NO nasty chemical taste - just heat.

But... if the Creator ever asks to to taste a chemical extract he's "been playing around with" - run, don't walk, away. I fell for that once!
Hmmmm....Let me see. Where shall I start. Oh yes, First try getting a job. I hear that's a great way to get money. Besides it builds character. Second you have no idea what you are getting yourself into. I don't know what restaurants are in your area, but I would recommend visiting a Buffalo Wild Wings or something similiar (not hooters). Order 20 of the hottest wings that they make, and make sure that you tell them how hairy you are and want your order to be hotter if they can. Eat all of the wings and don't forget to lick your fingers like a real man. If your stomache doesn't gurggle just a little, then you picked the wrong place to eat, try again. Let me know how everything goes the next day......you know, with the burning axx and all. Because that my friend, is only a small portion of what you are getting yourself into. And if that is a piece of cake for you.....then great...your the man! But what ever you do stay the hell away from the extract.
This is coming from a guy who likes to pull pranks and watch people suffer (reasonably).
Enough preaching.....You are your own man....Good luck brotha'!!