event High Rivers Sauces Party

I wanted to extend an invitation to everyone here on this forum. I figured I would throw a first year anniversary party for High River Sauces and would love to invite anyone here. Below is all of the info.​

Hope you can make it. Its going to be a Rock & Roll Hot Sauce Party.​

High River Sauces
Feb. 9[sup]th[/sup]
The Turtle Club
936 Park Avenue​
Hoboken, NJ 07030​
phone 201.710.5960​
8-11 PM​

Come Celebrate Our First Year Anniversary​
Open Bar​
Tasting Menu featuring High River Sauces and recipes from Mosh Potatoes Cookbook​

Please RSVP by Feb 1[sup]st[/sup]​
Sounds like great fun! I'll be with you in spirit and will tip one with you on the day! Please post pics, it's always good to see the other crazy chileheads out there~

and congrats!