• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Highalt's 2013 Grow - End of Season Wrap Up

I know some of you guys have already started seeds for next year's grow, and I should have started the Manzano's a month ago, but I am still working on finalizing the grow list.

Each year since I started growing peppers, the list has gotten bigger, and they have taken up a larger % of my vegetable growing space. I started working part-time 3 months ago, and I am a mother of three, so I am struggling with being realistic about how much time I can devote to pepper growing this coming season. Right now, I've got between 65 and 70 varieties on the list, and some of them I'd really like to have more than one plant. Last year, I ended up with about 50 varieties and a total of 75 plants. So you can see that I have some work to do before I start putting the seeds in the dirt!

I thought I would go ahead and put up my tentative list, and use the feedback I get from you guys to help me narrow things down a bit. Those of you that know me will notice that I still haven't gotten brave enough to add any supers yet ... maybe next year. :snooty:

So here's what I got so far:

Alice's Favorite
Alma Paprika
Ancho Gigantia, and/or Ancho San Luis
Barker (NuMex)
Biker Billy Jalapeno
Black Hungarian
Cayenne Thick (Can't remember who it was that was raving about this one this past season, but I don't have seeds for this one yet.)
Chilhuacle Amarillo
Chocolate Cherry
Cosa Arrugada and/or Pepperoncini
Costeno Amarillo
Georgia Flame
Goat's Weed
Golden Cayenne
Hungarian Hot Wax
Jamaican Hot Yellow (Anyone have a source for these? It's confusing to me that the Jamaican Hot Choc. is a Chinense, but this one is listed as an Anuum!)
Jimmy Nardello
Leutschauer Paprika
Mulato Isleno
NuMex Pinata
NuMex Vaquero
Patio Red Marconi
Sante Fe Grande
Serrano (Not sure which one. May try the purple one this year.)
Tangerine Pimento and/or Yummy
Tobasco (Need seeds for this one.)
Zapotec Jalapeno

Aji Chinchi Amarillo
Aji Yellow
Birgit's Locoto
Bishop's Crown (Don't actually have seeds for this one yet. If anyone has some, I'd be willing to trade for them.)
El Oro de Equador
Inca Red Drop
Lemon Drop (Maybe. Last time they were bitter. May try a difference source.)
Pimenta Barro do Robiero
Purple de Arbol and/or Negro de Arbol (Which one is better?)

Aji Dulce (type 1 or 2 ?) Is this the same as Rocotillo?
Aji Limo Rojo
Bonda ma Jacques (Don't have seeds for this one yet either. May just grow Gold Bullet or regular yellow habanero as a substitute?)
Cheiro Roxa
Habanero, Peach (and maybe the Pink as well)
Habanero, White (I have the regular white, and White Bullet. Is the Peruvian White better, or are they all about the same?)
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Purple Bhut (Okay, I don't have seeds for this one either. Maybe I'll substitute Condor's Beak if I can't find any.)
Scotch Bonnet Yellow (Have some labeled True Jamaican Scotch Bonnet. Should those be yellow? Or red?)

Pubescens (Yeah, I know I'm really too late on these, and probably won't get any ripe fruit this coming season)
Orange Manzano
Red Manzano
Yellow Manzano

Well, I think that's about it. I'm sure the list will change a few more times before it's a done deal, but at least it's a start!

So tell me what you think about the ones I have questions on, or let me know where to find seeds for the ones I'm missing, or tell me what I should have on the list and don't. Just kidding on that last one!!!
Thanks, Sawyer and Bodeen! Hope you both had a nice holiday!

I had a very pleasant day today. Had the privilege of jamming with the Praise Team to a packed house this morning, came home and cooked a ham, some corn pudding, and asparagus for dinner, with a Pineapple/Mandarine Orange Cake for dessert, and even worked on one of the flower beds for a while this evening, while the kids were playing outside.

When I checked on the peppers this afternoon, a couple hours after I took those pics of the tomato sprouts, I found a bunch more hooks! So now in addition to the Earl's Faux, Indian Stripe, and Amish Paste, I also have germination on the following:

Black Cherry
Gold Currant
Gold Medal
Amazon Chocolate
Ludmilla's Pink Heart
Neves Azorean Red

And the ones that were hooks in the photos were already up!!! It's bizarre to me how they are all sprouting at exactly the same time, exactly one week from sowing. I wish all the peppers were that timely!!!
Glad you had a great day! We had them all hunting, 17 (and boyfriend 17), 15 and 12 yo...we numbered a few eggs and had a white-elephant style prize give away at the end. With giftcards and even a little cash. That keeps the older ones attention! Your meal sounds wonderful as well. Happy Easter Bonnie!
Your peppers are looking great Bonnie! And now tomatoes on the way... I've got to get mine going too. And I'll be pulling for that fatalii of yours! They're an awesome plant with beautiful pods.
Happy Easter!
Spent the evening potting up the very last pepper sprouts. The total number of plants is 105, unless that Birgit's Locoto ever pops his head up, or the Golden Cayennes sprout. Oh, wait, it's 106! I forgot to count my new Fatalii plant (Thanks again, Shane!)

I also attempted to separate all those tomato sprouts, and was partially successful. The roots on the tomato sprouts seem more fragile than the pepper sprouts. I damaged the roots on about half of the tomato sprouts. I only had a few peppers that had multiple sprouts in one Root Riot plug, but didn't have any trouble separating the roots on them and keeping them in tact. So the lesson here is only sow one tomato seed per plug, or plant them in regular old germinating mix instead of the plugs.

Sorry to post such a blurry picture, but I wanted to show what I was dealing with. It looks like a Gold Currant chia pet!


The Neves Azorean Red wasn't quite as bad.


Aunt Gertie's Gold is the only one that I didn't get 100% germination on. That's okay, I only need one of them anyway.


So far I'm up to 3 dozen tomato sprouts. There are five varieties that haven't germinated yet: Virginia Sweets, Soldacki, Giant Belgium, Matt's Wild Cherry, and Anna Russian. I only have room for 17, so I've already got twice the amount I need. Even if those last few don't germinate, I'll still have more than enough tomato plants.

One of my sisters arrives tomorrow for a visit, which I'm very excited about. The plants are in the guest room though, so I may be having serious pepper withdrawals over the next few days! I made sure everybody got a good drink today.

Not sure why I took this picture, other than the fact that the tuna sandwich had some of my homemade zucchini relish on it.


May not post much this weekend, but will try and update with some pics by mid week.
I also attempted to separate all those tomato sprouts, and was partially successful. The roots on the tomato sprouts seem more fragile than the pepper sprouts. I damaged the roots on about half of the tomato sprouts. I only had a few peppers that had multiple sprouts in one Root Riot plug, but didn't have any trouble separating the roots on them and keeping them in tact. So the lesson here is only sow one tomato seed per plug, or plant them in regular old germinating mix instead of the plugs

You can't hardly kill a tomato plant, just keep em moist and out of full sun for a few days, they'll come back. I've even taken cuttings from the spring maters and just stuck em in the dirt (in the garden) kept them moist and grew a second crop.

I used to grow tomatoes commercially. We'd prune the suckers and just drop them in the middles between rows. If rained at the right time, they'd root and you'd have all these little tomato plants growing like weeds. Sometimes all it took was just a heavy dew. So yeah, they grow like crazy... 'til the diseases kick in.
Yeah, I shouldn't have been worried about those tomatoes. Didn't lose a single one!

For those of you that are squeamish, LOOK AWAY NOW. The following pictures are not for the faint of heart!

Wenk's Yellow Hot, not looking so hot anymore






Ancho San Luis




I also lost a Jimmy Nardello, and part of a Barker's.

I knew when I found out my sister was coming for a visit, that the chances of Melvin, the punk cat, sneaking into the guest room were high, but losing a few plants was worth spending a few days with my BFF.

He was only in the room for a minute or two!

The guilty party ...


On a positive note, the Aunt Molly Ground Cherries finally decided to sprout, while I wasn't looking.


... and look at all the new growth on Shane's Fatalii!


Have a few more pics I'll post in a bit. Have to go help the kids with homework. Sure hope they cancel my daughter's soccer practice, since it's 25 degrees with winds in the 30 - 40 mph range, and snow flurries!
I'm back!

I'm loving all of my purple varieties this season!

Here's Peruvian Purple


... and Cheiro Roxa (again!!!)


This Condor's Beak is starting to bush out a little, but the top leaves are still curling upward. Not sure why it's doing that, but it seems healthy otherwise.


The leaves on this Beni Highlands are getting quite large.




White Habanero


... and one of the bushier annuums, Tangerine Pimento.


That's all for now. I'll try and catch up on some glogs now.
Bonnie, I am not sure my heart can handle the path of destruction of punk cat Melvin! Doesn't he know we have coyotes for cats like him? Lol

Hopefully, what he left behind will continue to grow strong.

All the non-melvined babies are looking great. You have quite a selection!

Sorry to hear, and see, the cat damage. But as was said, they still look like they have a chance. Everything else looks awesome! The Beni Highlands is a great looking plant. I too have one of those growing.
Bonnie you just need to get a seet of Cat Handcuffs, check with Steve Martin where he got his, ;)

Glad to see they're coming back. You should be close to getting them some outside time now arn't ya?

Take care
I'm in agreement with everyone on the comeback of the kitty damaged plants. Those peppers are tough! Damage is handled better than disease.

As mentioned the rest look great!

Maybe kitty sleeps outside tonight...LOL
Bonnie, you sure we're not kin? + 1 on zuke/squash relish or as we call it, "chow-chow." Everything around here that gets mixed with some vinegar, spices, hot peppers--I even mine out with some sweet for the really hot stuff--others I make for wimps, but all relish is called "chow-chow." Good stuff! I'm also wondering who I can "share" some mater plants with. Did Lucky Cross rather than VA Sweets this year. AND, actually, I was watching my cat--have a mylar covered refrigerator box opened--box frig came in, they gave it to me at Home "Depote"--in front of shelves, and back is similar to a certain height, but back is also backed up to a surface they can't get to . . . I have one cat who had no sense until I let him eat the top of a Trini Scorp that was good size, it's growing back. Had five more, eh, teach him lesson because those leaves are hot. I let the little jerk do it. I was watering/feeding, he got in there and when I saw which one he was getting ready to chomp, I let him! He shook his head, ran a little, ran to water bowl, ran some more, cried like a kitten (he weighs 22 lbs.); I just laughed mao! His step-sister looked at him like, "You IDiot!" I was de-seeding some nagas for smoking, dehydrating for powders, last fall, and yeah, I let him stick his face in that seed bowl, given that he just HAD to. He acted choked for a second (went through above sequence of behaviors) and again his sister looked at him, like "IDiot!" You notice he only ate tops off milder peppers. Baby rabbit found me couple springs ago, I hand feed that guy carrots, leaves lettuces alone, surprising, walks with me through garden. Harvey, the rabbit, was looking longingly at a paste tomato. I called him to me and walked him to the fatalii. He took a bite of a pod. Hmm. Sorta acted like Buddy, the IDiot.

Nice looking grow, hon! How long until you plant out? Peace, Annie