• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HigherThisHeat is growin' stuff (2013 GLOG)

Well it happened. I am starting a GLOG. Or at least something close to the sort. I'm basically just going to post random pictures through out the year of my peppers. I was reluctant to even start one, because if this year goes anything like last, I ended up losing almost everything to aphids. Not this year though. I ain't goin out like that.

We'll see how many I actually end up with after all is said and done.

I just spent hours transplanting seedlings and taking inventory. For the first time ever I know how many of what I have... well sort of.

Due to my horrible organization skills a few labels have been mixed up, or just not labeled at all.

So for what I have going are as follows:

Chiltepin - x1

Datil - x1 (that I know of definitively)

Aji Lemon - x1 ( I planted many more, but had a hell of a time keeping them alive)

Hot Fish - x1

Faria Scotch Bonnet - x1

Choc Scotch Bonnet - x1

Yellow Scotch Bonnet - x1

Red Savina Habanero - x1

Cap 1035 type II - x1 (that I know of definitively)

Bhut Jolokia - x2

Hurricane Thai - x2

7 pot Yellow - x3

Early Jalapeno - x5

Reg Jalapeno - x6

Chocolate Hab - x6

Cayenne - x8

Super Hot mix - x3 (could be anything)

Possible poblano or datil - x3 (whoops)

Possible Datil or Cap 1035 - x2

My seedlings right before into soil



My oldest plants that labels got mixed up. The one top left, which clearly is an annuum, is labeled as yellow scotch bonnet, but I suspect is is actually cayenne. One of the other two is labeled cayenne when clearly it is a Chinense, and one not labeled at all. Oh well. Time shall tell.

My year old tepin plant that never really had much of a shot at life.

And after hours of transplanting in the hot ass sun I am done


If I come out of this season with half the plants surviving I will be happy!
Looking good so far!
Well it came into my possession a year ago when it was only a couple months old. It was actually about as tall as in the pic, except it had leaves. Everything went down hill the moment I got it. I placed it immediately in the sun not realizing that it was green house raised. So it burned to all hell. Almost all leaves except a few fell off. Then the leaves grew back just to have them get infested with crazy aphids, or something, and all the leaves fell off again. So it never grew out of its seedling phase really.

All the leaves you see on it now are brand new and pretty good looking so far. Hopefully it keeps up.
Hey, does anyone have any info on the Cap 1035 type II pepper? What in the hang is it's deal? From pics I've seen it looks like a bhut jolokia or something similar.
Oh, so I guess if I have a GLOG I should probably update it!
Everything is doing well. I had a yard sale last week and sold about 8 of my seedlings, so that is sweet!
Also along the way some have died. So I'd say I'm down about 12-15 plants since I started this.
I have 4 plants starting to put off pods. Cayenne, Scotch bonnet, Brain strain, and poblano.
The thing is the seeds that were labeled scotch bonnet I suspect are not scotch bonnet at all! They are growing straight up, I didn't think scotch bonnet did that?
Anyone take a guess what they could be??

scotch bonnet imposter..JPG

SB imposter full pic.JPG

Brain strain

The cayenne

Cayenne 2.JPG

And I have a pequin seedling wooo
good pequin.JPG

Nice work so far.

The bonnet looks like C.baccatuum to me,I would have to see the flower. The brain strain isn't growing true either. That is a C.annuum in the picture. If you are interested in seeds for both of those,just ask. Good luck
Thanks...I am just going to keep them all in containers, however I may stick just one or two plants in the ground just to see how much different they grow in ground vs container.
Only pepper plants I have putting off pods are Poblano, The supposed brainstrain, cayenne, and mystery peppers. I'm sure I'll have a few more plants starting to put off pods in the next couple of weeks.
The poblano is bustin!

The seeds labeled brain strain

Yeah definitely ain't enough brain to be that strain. Who knows what this will be. It was labeled BS so i wonder if its a cross or what. 
So far, with the exception of poblano and the cayenne, I have no types that I intended for
Your plant labeled brain strain looks a lot like the scotch bonnets I grew last year.... about half the pods I got were similar in shape to that one....