• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HigherThisHeat is growin' stuff (2013 GLOG)

Well it happened. I am starting a GLOG. Or at least something close to the sort. I'm basically just going to post random pictures through out the year of my peppers. I was reluctant to even start one, because if this year goes anything like last, I ended up losing almost everything to aphids. Not this year though. I ain't goin out like that.

We'll see how many I actually end up with after all is said and done.

I just spent hours transplanting seedlings and taking inventory. For the first time ever I know how many of what I have... well sort of.

Due to my horrible organization skills a few labels have been mixed up, or just not labeled at all.

So for what I have going are as follows:

Chiltepin - x1

Datil - x1 (that I know of definitively)

Aji Lemon - x1 ( I planted many more, but had a hell of a time keeping them alive)

Hot Fish - x1

Faria Scotch Bonnet - x1

Choc Scotch Bonnet - x1

Yellow Scotch Bonnet - x1

Red Savina Habanero - x1

Cap 1035 type II - x1 (that I know of definitively)

Bhut Jolokia - x2

Hurricane Thai - x2

7 pot Yellow - x3

Early Jalapeno - x5

Reg Jalapeno - x6

Chocolate Hab - x6

Cayenne - x8

Super Hot mix - x3 (could be anything)

Possible poblano or datil - x3 (whoops)

Possible Datil or Cap 1035 - x2

My seedlings right before into soil



My oldest plants that labels got mixed up. The one top left, which clearly is an annuum, is labeled as yellow scotch bonnet, but I suspect is is actually cayenne. One of the other two is labeled cayenne when clearly it is a Chinense, and one not labeled at all. Oh well. Time shall tell.

My year old tepin plant that never really had much of a shot at life.

And after hours of transplanting in the hot ass sun I am done


If I come out of this season with half the plants surviving I will be happy!
Looking great and I had 3 plants with pods that looked like this last year, one red, one chocolate and one a wine color. No idea what they were but tasted amazing.



Well the "choc" habs are definitely red. I think maybe savina hab. But who knows at this point. Anything goes.
Speaking of anything, anyone know what this is? Looks like a brain maybe?

My jalapenos are starting to bust. Some nice corking.


All my bhut plants are putting off pods, and one starting to ripen.


Werrrd. Damn I thought for sure it would be a brain. I wonder then...
Do you notice a trend with my plants?? Nothing is as it's supposed to be.