• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HigherThisHeat is growin' stuff (2013 GLOG)

Well it happened. I am starting a GLOG. Or at least something close to the sort. I'm basically just going to post random pictures through out the year of my peppers. I was reluctant to even start one, because if this year goes anything like last, I ended up losing almost everything to aphids. Not this year though. I ain't goin out like that.

We'll see how many I actually end up with after all is said and done.

I just spent hours transplanting seedlings and taking inventory. For the first time ever I know how many of what I have... well sort of.

Due to my horrible organization skills a few labels have been mixed up, or just not labeled at all.

So for what I have going are as follows:

Chiltepin - x1

Datil - x1 (that I know of definitively)

Aji Lemon - x1 ( I planted many more, but had a hell of a time keeping them alive)

Hot Fish - x1

Faria Scotch Bonnet - x1

Choc Scotch Bonnet - x1

Yellow Scotch Bonnet - x1

Red Savina Habanero - x1

Cap 1035 type II - x1 (that I know of definitively)

Bhut Jolokia - x2

Hurricane Thai - x2

7 pot Yellow - x3

Early Jalapeno - x5

Reg Jalapeno - x6

Chocolate Hab - x6

Cayenne - x8

Super Hot mix - x3 (could be anything)

Possible poblano or datil - x3 (whoops)

Possible Datil or Cap 1035 - x2

My seedlings right before into soil



My oldest plants that labels got mixed up. The one top left, which clearly is an annuum, is labeled as yellow scotch bonnet, but I suspect is is actually cayenne. One of the other two is labeled cayenne when clearly it is a Chinense, and one not labeled at all. Oh well. Time shall tell.

My year old tepin plant that never really had much of a shot at life.

And after hours of transplanting in the hot ass sun I am done


If I come out of this season with half the plants surviving I will be happy!
Well that right there may solve the case of the missing scotch bonnet.
Perhaps none of the seeds I received are incorrect labels or crosses, but poor organizing skills due to me.
Lil update. The plants I have puttin off pods are now, What was supposed to be brain strain starting to think its definitely scotch bonnet, choc hab, pobalano, unknown thing, cayenne.
Various mix of young plants

The more established bunch.


What appears to be scotch bonnets of some sort.

Ceyanne, hard to see, but they ARE FINALLY TURNING FREAKING RED. Only took 17 years.

Unknown suttin or other.

The poblanos!

And after what a month or two? I forget, the chiltepin doing some growing!


Oh and the newest addition. Baby pequin.

These pods are takin years to mature.
I may actually see this years grow all the way through harvest! The azamax has almost wiped out all aphids, and the ones that linger don't harm anything.
Thanks... I also have jalapeno, aji lemon and some bhut jolokia getting ready to make pods.

The sun is brutal this time of year, I may be fixin up a shade cloth for them soon.
Plants are looking good. The bonnet looking pepper appears to be an annuum/mushroom type. They are not the true bonnets that everyone raves about but they have decent heat and flavor. Could be the red or yellow variety,time will tell.
A bit more of an update from today. Now that a couple of the peppers are starting to turn color, they're turning fast.
The poblanos are getting big... When should they be picked? Do they turn red? Heh... I should probably know this :neutral:



So the pepper that I originally labeled scotch bonnet, turned out to look like this... Is it an aji variety of some sort?

Choc habs finally doin they're thang.
Poblano's turn red,yes. I like them both red and green. The yellow pod looks like and aji baccatum. There are a few that look like that one.
I guess I should probably update this later.
I still haven't got to pick one single poblano. The couple I would have got to pick were rotting at the ends :( Dern this florida heat and humidity.
I have been picking a cayenne or two every day for about a week to get this many.

That is just off one plant and I have two more that are a bit younger that I'm waiting to flower
So finally the scotch bonnet looking things are turning ripe, and they are turning out to be yellow. The only yellow seeds I had are labeled yellow scotch bonnet. Do these look to be so?


Thats it for now.
Looking sweet! I'd pick that Pab. I thought they were supposed to be picked brownish, I didn't even know they got red lol. I'm a nimrod on the subject though.
Scarlet Fire said:
Looks identical to my Yellow Scotch Bonnets from Pepper Joe. Things are coming along very nicely!
Ok, that would make sense. I forgot about that. I heard that Pepper Joe was selling a jamacian annuum seeds as scotch bonnet. That is exactly what I did. I bought his "scotch bonnet" seeds last year and must have planted some and got the labels mixed up.
I tasted the pepper last night. Instant splash of heat the second I bit into it. Mild pepper flavor, with some fruit notes. It isn't bad.
Damn it guys, I think I did it again! Wrong label or the seeds weren't what they were supposed to be. I'd blame me at this point!
If anyone has traded seeds with me I am freaking sorry, but you probably received nothing of what it was supposed to be. You probably got seeds labelled jalapeno, but they will turn out to be giraffe seeds, cause I don't know how to keep things organized, even though I thought I was trying hard to get
I had chocolate habanero pods growing... well so I thought untill one turned red! Do choc habs turn brown after being red?? Probably not...

Maybe a savina ? I do have seeds labeled as such.
Jalapenos are bustin

And I finally have some Bhuts
