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heat HigherThisHeat's TooHeated Hot Sauce... First hot sauce

SUPER HOT SAUCE DAY and spicey fingers.... I had a bucket load of scorpions to use up so it was time to try makin a hot sauce. First time ever.

My goodness. I didn't really know what I was doing. I kind of just made up my own recipe after seeing what others do.

Approx 3/4lb of various scorpions
2 small yellow onions
4 cloves garlic
1 1/4 cup shredded carrots (not shown)
4 roma tomatoes
black pepper
Juice of 2 lemons
1.5 cups vinegar
I first cooked the onion and garlic in a skillet on med low for about 10 minutes, and then added everything except the lemon juice, vinegar, and water.

simmered sauteed all of that in the pan for about 15 minutes. Added a cup of water, and brought to a boil, then lowered to a simmer for about 45 minutes untill most liquid evaporated.
Let cool for about an hour and then put the mixture in a food processor and pureed while adding vinegar, and the juice of 2 lemons and pureed for several minutes untill smooth.
Like I said I really had no idea what I was doing so it came out thicker than I wanted. I wasn't sure how to thin it out with out adding too much vinegar. Maybe more water? I dunno what people do.
I then added it back to the pan and brought to a boil and simmered for some minutes, then transferred to the jars.

My way way too hot hot sauce :hell:
My hands are f**ked up right now. Even wearing gloves through most of the process. I wasn't wearing them when transferring to the jars, or any process making the sauce and I should have. Scorpions are no joke!!
I thought given the added ingredients that it would not be that hot, but holy shit...
Too :hot:
:fireball: Damn
Hotter than I thought :onfire:
Its ok. It was fun. Also a good reason to :drunk: :drunk:   all day long.

although the flavor will meld some over the next couple weeks... :lol:...
I opened up the small bottle to taste it. I was actually surprise it wasn't AS hot as I thought. Still crazy hot though. On a scale of 1-10 I'd probably give it an 8.
Its more of a paste or puree than a sauce though, that is for sure.
Its flavor is a little off balanced and too over powering pepper flavor. A little more vinegar, garlic, tomato and onion is called for for sure. I was afraid to use too much vinegar, but I see now I could have went up.
I didn't really have much to test the sauce with, so I threw down a corn tortilla and filled it with cheese, and slapped another one on top. Quesadilla and scorpion hot sauce. Burn so good!

nice,looks great.  
thats it,  im going to make my first sauce this week.  so less peppers and more other stuff? 
   i want to use ghost pods and jalo powder guess ill make like half a gallon? any tips?
Yeah I'd definitely use more other ingredients, not just because of the heat factor, but too much of that pungent pepper flavor out weighing everything else.
And yes the aroma is ridiculous, and tastes exactly as it smells.