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Hippy Seed Co Delivers

Thanks Neil, I arrived home today to a slender package, containing TWO of the most gorgeous Dorset Naga pods. :cool:

My darling wife is rolling her eyes as I immediately say "I've got to tell the folks on THP about this!"

Following the printed instructions to wear gloves, I'm going to carefully de-seed these two beauties and see if I can germinate a few plants.

The fleshy parts I'm going to experiment with - ohhh so carefully an not exceed recommended dosages - of an itty-bitty-part per million in some chicken wings I'm planning for a BBQ this weekend.
Woot! You can't go wrong with Neil bro, he is da man :)
Let us know when you try the Dorset, in fact do it now!
Yeah, Neil is great and whatever you get from him is quality!

Enjoy your pods, but proceed with caution!
Not wanting to be a complete chicken-shit after the latex glove clad seed removal I tried a quarter of one pod.

Chewed it completely and thought - hey this isn't bad - a nice smoky kind of-:mouthonfire:

Its a great buzz. Lots of lip tingle and even my tongue started going numb for a while. Great heat - especially for someone with out a great deal of experience with hot chilis.

With the remaining pods I made a little bit of sauce