• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

hog's glog 2015

No pics, so nothing to get excited over. Its just to help my fergetful ass to remember what I did, and when.
Germinating with the coffee filters and zip bags technique on heating mats covered with towels. Threw these seeds on the mat 1/16/2015
Chocolate Hab
Sicmans mystery 2014 F2
Choc Scorp x Yellow Bhut? F2
Douglah x Butch T F4 or F5 (can't remember)
Unknown red chinense (med hot from Fernando's garden)
Aji Pineapple x Goatsweed F1 (fingers crossed) :pray:
de Onza Amarillo
Cabai Burung Ungu
Dong xuan
Orange Rocoto
Yellow Rocoto 
First to pop, 4 of the Unknown chinense and 1 Aji PineappleXGoatsweed.  :party:  Into 5oz styro cups with a 50/50 blend of light warrior and FFOF put on a mat with a dome. Sitting at 78f 78%rh that should go up a little during the day when the house is warmer. I'm off to the races! wish me luck!
Have a great grow 2015, everyone!......HAPPY GROWIN'
Great start hogleg. Good luck this year. I'm using the 50/50 blend of the Light Warrior and FFOF too. I like it so far. Originally started with just the Light Warrior, but by itself seems to dry out really quick.
Well alright, some more seeds open and put in seedling mix. Decided to change my mix, (they were out of Light Warrior) got the Black Gold starting mix. So far I really like it its got a great texture and cheaper than Light warrior. Still blending it 50/50 with FFOF. And my styro cups are 8oz. not 5oz.  :think:
8 more Aji Pineapple X Goatsweed, 4 Dong Xuan, 1 BBG 7, 1 Brainstrain, 1 Choc Hab, 3 Sic's Mystery,12 Onza amrillo(they all popped), 3 Cabai Burung Ungu. I fear I may have cooked some seeds, I checked on them a little late one morning and some appeared kinda dry. As I leave the bag somewhat bubbled and the condensation was all on the top of the bag while the filter was dry. Running a bit hot I figure, put em in a tray with four layers of towel rather than the two I was running. I may start back ups for the ones that dried out just in case.
Edit: Ok, 400 watt halide is up, approx. 30" above starts and domes are running 82F and 86% humidity with the light on.
hogleg said:
Well alright, some more seeds open and put in seedling mix. Decided to change my mix, (they were out of Light Warrior) got the Black Gold starting mix. So far I really like it its got a great texture and cheaper than Light warrior. Still blending it 50/50 with FFOF. And my styro cups are 8oz. not 5oz.  :think:
8 more Aji Pineapple X Goatsweed, 4 Dong Xuan, 1 BBG 7, 1 Brainstrain, 3 Cabai Burung Ungu. I fear I may have cooked some seeds, I checked on them a little late one morning and some appeared kinda dry. As I leave the bag somewhat bubbled and the condensation was all on the top of the bag while the filter was dry. Running a bit hot I figure, put em in a tray with four layers of towel rather than the two I was running. I may start back ups for the ones that dried out just in case.
Good luck with your grow.  I normally use the bags like you do.  This year I though I would try small containers with we paper towel at the bottom.  Found some did not have enough water and all condensed to the top lid similar to what you had happen.  Still waiting to see if they will be allright.  Only has been 4 days so will give them another week at least and start over if nothing.
If you want any help growing out the F1s of the pineapple X goat weed I can make a spot for a few seedlings. Are you going to back cross at all?
D3monic said:
If you want any help growing out the F1s of the pineapple X goat weed I can make a spot for a few seedlings. Are you going to back cross at all?
I'm not even sure if its a actual cross yet (its my first attempt with peppers). So i'll wait til next year to share seeds, if in fact it works.
Yea if I start to see anything cool from it, backcross attempts are likely. For all I know they may grow out as regular Goatsweed but my hopes are high.
I'll keep you at the top of the list if it works out though.
:(  Nifty, grow light took a shit this mornin'. Figured it was the igniter but on closer inspection looks like it may be the bulb, gotta get to storage and grab a back up set up and bulb. Bunch more seeds popped, I'll get a full count after I deal with this light sich. Got the 4ft fluorescent on em' for now.
Nice, manageable grow list.  
Hope the light issue is remediated soon.
ok, back to biz. I fixed the light sich later that day. I was right, just the bulb. After a little digging I found one at home. Here's the count of where I'm at right now. Most showing two true leaves. Also 4-5 aji pineapple opened that I'll put in dirt tomorrow. 
2  white 7 pot
2  bbg 7
3  brainstrain
3  douglah x butch t
4  b.o.c.
4  scorp x bhut?
4  unknown chinense
4  choc hab
6  sic's mystery
6  possible aji pineapple x goatsweed
7  onza amarillo
2  cabai burung ungu
4  dong xuan
5  yellow rocoto
6  orange rocoto
I'll start more annuums and tomatoes in a few weeks.
Wow, 60+ plants with more to come!  
That's a respectable grow!