Holy crap!!

very nice! i'm already planning to grow extra plants if i get successful enough i'll start selling off extra plants. =D
This guy makes hot jams along with other stuff like coconut peanut butter and homemade honey, and sells it at farmers markets. He claims he rarely clears less than a grand a day between the two markets. He wants to buy the plants off me and sell them at the markets! He said he sells hab plants and runs out within two hours! He told me that as soon as I get more plants ready, he will be back to buy them!! Holy crap holy crap holy crap!!! Imma be rich beeeatch!!! LOL. But seriously, this is looking like a great way to ATLEAST fund part of my hobby and put some in my pocket too....
Sounds like you should go to the Farmers' Mkt. yourself and cut out the middleman. They you'll have extra $ for :beer:Not a bad deal though, especially getting the goodies too.
Sounds like you should go to the Farmers' Mkt. yourself and cut out the middleman. They you'll have extra $ for :beer:Not a bad deal though, especially getting the goodies too.

If I didn't have to work for uncle Sam from 0600-1700 everyday I sure as hell would! lol
Good deal. Where do I sign up to sell? :) I'd be selling left and right if I could clear that for those varieties.


Well, I'll tell ya this much...I'm in the market for fresh pods and viable seeds now thanks to this so if you want to make some money, gimme a shout!