Holy S#@! Jalapeno

I went to our local Commissary (military grocery store) and picked up some Jalapeno's while waiting on mine to grown and ripen. I ate a few last night and today and HOLY S@$% it was hot. Has anybody ever had that happen to them at all. I don't recall having any that hot. I know it was a jalapeno and not a serano or any other pepper. Those peppers lit me up!!! I like it alot, just wasn't ready for them to be that hot. Gotta get some more of those and maybe save some seeds!!!
It happens on occasion. The past few years I'd been disappointed with the heat level of my japs, but my first small harvest this year had a surprising amount of heat. I think its going to be a good year for them.
After the explosion of TX A&M Jalapenos on the market, most you will ever buy are completely neutered. Good find and definately go back and get some to seed :dance:
The heat of our store's 'penos is soooo inconsistent!!!

It's like playing Jalapeno Roulette! ....which can be kinda fun actually! :)

Definitely go back and LOAD UP!!!!!! (you can freeze whatcha can't gobble up!)
Love it Chili Juju, Jalapeno Roulette!
I know what you mean sometimes they just seem to be really good and hot, abnormally hot. Like 'is this even a Jalapeno?' hot. So no matter what store I'm in I always buy a handful of Japs. Then if I hit the jackpot, I'll go back the next day and buy a bag and toss them in the fridge and start the process all over again. Happened frequently last summer, I thought because of the drought...but who knows. The peppers most likely are grown in Mexico. Head back and grab a bunch before they run out!
Thanks again for the Goat Pepper seeds man! :cheers:
Got some plants from our local non-chain store last year---no idea where they came from.
First pick I stuffed a bunch.
Holy Cr@p Batman!
Burned hard on the first nibble and went on and on and on.
Saved about 500 seeds and planted them all.
3 sprouted, so am assuming it was some non viable cross.

Or, I am an idiot in seed saving.
My buddy grew some in his garden, and dared me to eat 10 of them. I figured, Jalapenos, those are easy!

2 peppers later, I was swishing ice water frantically and praying to foreign gods.

They were shorter and squatter than a normal jalapeno, but with the same flavor, so I am thinking it got mixed with a hab or something.
Yeah, I went back and they have put new peppers out and not as hot. Damnit!!! Oh well, I will try again. They had really good taste too! I guess I was to wrapped up in the moment to use common sense and save the seeds.
hmmm funny thing is i picked up some jalapenos from the commissary last week too and every single one of them was hotter than any jalapeno i ever eaten in my life! need to back, i was surprised by the heat
I made some stuffed smoked Jals a few weeks ago that I swear were Hab hot. Got some more the next weekend and they tasted like flavorless bell peppers.
I saved the seeds from the pepper I mentioned earlier and this plant is the result.
Not bad.

CG - have you tried one of those yet? How's the heat?

Maybe 'penos are the cosmic training wheels for chiliheads! They lure you in, get all comfy with their level of heat, then BAM! - you just got initiated into supa-hot.....and ya liked it!!!!! :D

This is from my Biker Billy Jalapeno plant that was supposed to be hotter and tastier than regular Jala's, but it was just a normal tasting pepper. The store bought where some of the best I have had possibly ever!
Jalapenos live up to the hype - they are hot most of us are used to the the jalapeno tam's or other store hybrid - out of your own garden they become a great staple in every recipe