Homegrown Peppers in FOOD

I use my powders when I make coffee in the morning just put some in the filter with the coffee and brew. Very good for your sinuses and each powder gives the coffee a different taste and heat.

imaguitargod said:
Now, I've put pepeprs on everything so here's three of mine.

Jalapenos- Breakfast Cereal, popers.
Naga Morich- Breakfast Burrito
Cayenne- Begal with cream cheese

:lol: and i thought i was out there putting habs in salad dressing
Habs, in about everything I cook for myself. Jalapenos, in dishes I cook when other people are going to be eating too.

I like habs chopped up in an omelet on a cold saturday morning. I put powdered habs (ground from dried peppers) on all sandwiches I eat between classes during the week. I cook with habanero-infused olive oil (Gil's makes a fine product). I like jalapenos and serranos in dishes that call for green pepper-type flavor.
I put hot sauce on about everything....EXCEPT raisin bran .
bentalphanerd said:
:lol: and i thought i was out there putting habs in salad dressing
Somebody else (perhaps it was you) posted something on this, and I am intrigued. After I'm done with Monday's tests, I'm going to make a habanero balsamic vinaigrette and a serrano ranch. I'm excited. Salad will never be the same!!!!

Rainbowberry had another great idea....chopped habs with your salad. Mmmmmm...:onfire:
it was me down in the recipe section. Serrano ranch sounds good. I did try with balsamic once before but found the vinegar too overpowering.
Let us know how it works out.
staffing said:
Somebody else (perhaps it was you) posted something on this, and I am intrigued. After I'm done with Monday's tests, I'm going to make a habanero balsamic vinaigrette and a serrano ranch. I'm excited. Salad will never be the same!!!!

Rainbowberry had another great idea....chopped habs with your salad. Mmmmmm...:onfire:

I would recommend:
Habs (minced, fresh), lemon juice (1 lemon, fresh!!), 1 clove garlic (minced, raw), 2 tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper.

Don't cook it, make it 5 minutes before eating! The lemon juice, garlic, and habs will make it sing.
staffing said:
Somebody else (perhaps it was you) posted something on this, and I am intrigued. After I'm done with Monday's tests, I'm going to make a habanero balsamic vinaigrette and a serrano ranch. I'm excited. Salad will never be the same!!!!
Csigi has an awesome Habanero Viniagrette that's available for purchase. I went through the bottle he sent me in about a week and a half.