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fermenting Homemade incubator for my lacto-ferments

So lacking any particular hot area of the house to put my jars of habs that Im fermenting, I decided to make my own little 'hot-box'.  Hoping that this will increase the fermentation rate...especially for 2 of the jars that seem to be a little slow in making with the bubbles.
Just used an old cooler I had laying around.

I cut a rectangular hole in the back that corresponded with the size, shape, and position of a wall vent.

Waterproof if they leak, and lightproof when pushed up against the vent.

Tadaaaa!!  :party:
Of course this is only good in the fall/winter when we have the heat on (now), but really thats when I'll be doing most of my fermenting/sauce making....end of the growing season.  :P
MGOLD86 said:
Wont they bust if you have the lids on them and no airlock?? 
Nah.  The lids arent screwed down tight.  They are loose enough to vent gases when the pressure builds, but not so loose that they are open to oxygen.  But you could screw them down tight so long as you burp the jars every couple days.
great use of what's on hand!  Keep us posted~