• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.


I have a heck of a hive in the middle of my garden this year. I also planted a wildflower mix between my rows of peppers which seems to have really drawn them out. Now, if I could just get some rain...
When I was in my teens I helped my Dad with 4 hives of Italian bees that we got from Root Apiary in Jessup, GA. We usually got around 400 pounds of raw honey a season from them. I'd like to have a hive, but live in a condo association now, with lots of little kids around. I think it might be a tough sell...
I wish I could have bee's. My wife was scared shitless ot them until a few months ago. We had a swarm that was displaced or something, they all gathered in the front of my house in a little tree. At first we were worried for our safety and the safety of our children, but after a while we started to enjoy watching them.
Three days go by and nobody got stung. Then a UPS truck goes by and gets them all riled up. It was like a cloud off bee's.

The next day I went outside and there were thousands of bee's dead on the ground in front of my house. Apparently my HOA came and sprayed them that morning. I cant explain that feeling, I was so bummed. I know that it is breaking the law to kill hives in some states, and I almost reported them for it.

Bees are a neat little creatures, Its a shame that people alienate them. If could have one or more acres of land I would for sure have a hive or two.

Two answer the OP's question,
unfortunately not, Bees don't seem to do well in urban life. Some say its RF, Cell, noise pollution, or chemicals. If you get Bees in your area you should feel lucky for sure.
my garden is in an empty lot surrounded by overgrown Wild flowers, and other flowers ive spread around. The bees are loving it, my allergies on the other hand.... not so much ;)
Tons of bees lately in the sedum that's flowering right now. Bumblebees everywhere, especially in the lavender. Since the pepper pots are next to the lavender, I'm assuming what pepper flowers I have (only a few right now) will be visited by the bees.

I grew up with my Dad having 2 hives and never got stung. Lucky or smart?
Funny funny that this thread came about. My wife thinks I'm crazy but I have one honey bee that I named Willard. We've become friends among the pepper plants, and I really appreciate him stopping by throughout the day. I sometimes spoil him and put out a dish of sugar water that he appreciates as well. This morning he was by and had a friend! If he starts chillin with Willard then he too will get a name. Maybe I am a little crazy but I'm just happy he chooses my plants to pollinate periodically throughout the day. Funny how people dislike em and I get a little salty when people kill em.
In the last two years I have seen only one honey bee. I lived in this region years ago as a child and honey bees were the primary pollinators then, but now it is mostly sweat bees, wasps, and bumble bees. Never imagined I'd be happy to see a bunch of wasps flying around me but you get used to them. I don't even like to clear out wasp nests unless they are near a door where their occupants might too easily find their way inside the house.
Everyday I see more and More Bees in My Garden, my Mint flowering is attracting them and the mint is by my pepper plants once in a while i see 1 or 2 bees on my pepper flowers, really makes me wana get a hive as soon as i get out of the appartments