Hoping that I know what I'm doing...

Well, all of my plants (74 total) are doing great with lost of new growth and they all seem to be filling out. I have been looking at everyones pictures and think that I'm doing alright for my first year. I have just cut all of my flower buds off of the Hungarian Hots (hoping that was the right thing to do) and now I am just hoping that I know what I'm doing and not just getting beginner luck. LOL :lol: Spring planting in my area is sometime in May. Is there anything I should be doing to help my plants along until then? I am keeping them feed, 16 hours of light and about 1/2 hour per day of the fan. Should I trim some of the really tall plants such as the Serrano?


Maybe I don't know what i'm doing...

I cut the buds because they are still inside and I have them in 16 oz party cups. I thought that I didn't want the plants flowering too early. I didn't screw them up did I?
You didn't screw anything (maybe you did, just not way we're talking about ;)).
The plant has a certain amount of energy it can produce. each process (especially growth, flowering and such) takes a piece of it. when you prevent the plant from doing one thing, more energy will go to everything else.
So by cuttings the buds, you're actually making the plant bigger.
This time of year I cut flowers off too to promote growth but they usually fall off on their own anyway without adequate bud lighting.
I pinch off any early buds, too. I want the plant putting all its energy into green and root growth early on. So, your plants are fine, you didn't do anything wrong.
The plants leaves need a little airflow all day. Not just once a day to strengthen them. If you don't believe me, do a study/experiment in separate planting areas. The more fluids you get going through the plant, even if just caused by transpiration, the more nutrients get to the leaves too. Also it helps prevent molds.
I had to cut the very top leaves off a plant yesterday - it is getting too leggy and I still have 10 weeks before it can go outside. Thankfully, I'll get another light Thursday but this plant was so much taller - by about three inches than any others, I wouldn't put it under the lights anyway.

Thanks for your replies... When I started this year, I had NO idea what I was getting into and didn't know what to expect in terms of growth. I am glad that I'm keeping a journal and hopefully all of the info that I have been putting in it will prove to be usefull next year.
