I got mine From Peoria Custom Cookers Aside from sanding down the smokerbox and re-painting every spring 1/4 inch steel is maintnence free and keeps the temps stable when outside temps are down to about 30F degrees.
Interesting thread. A couple of comments if I may.
Pepper Belly, I had the exact same smoker a few years back. Ended up giving it to a buddy because I got fed up trying to get the heat right. Wish I had stumbled upon the modification advice like BamsBBQ’s. I ended up paying the premium for a Big Green Eqq but I’m very happy with it.
BamsBBQ, great advice and links on modifying these things. I would like to respectfully submit one caution comment regarding the steel one uses for mods (like your fuel basket). Galvanized steel specifically, will give off toxic zinc fumes when heated and should be avoided in cooking applications. Yes, I know, this caution falls into the everything will kill you category but thought I’d point it out FWIW. If interested, here is one of many links describing the danger: http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/40025340/
Potawie, I know Capital Appliance & BBQ in Ottawa has a selection of horizontal smokers. Check this link if you’re interested: http://bbqing.com/index.cfm Be warned, they are very pricy!