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Horrible Weather!!!

Well, we have survived a brush with tornado type weather. I can barley say the same for my plants. They have been drowned with rain, there is standing water in the beds. The poor plants have been thrashed by the winds. Luckily, I haven't found any broken ones, but the winds tried to uproot them. A couple of my tomato plants are laying over, but I think they should survive. I'm going to have to bribe my wife to stake everything tomorrow morning while I'm sleeping.

Here are some pictures of the aftermath, instead of my progress.

Chocolate Hab

Mild Pepepr Bed

Super Hot Bed

Tomato Bed

A healthy Bhut Jolokia

I hope they make a full recovery. It sure seems as though it has been one thing after another this year.
That sucks about the weather, but your plants are looking good otherwise man. I bet they'll perk right up as soon as the sun comes up. Hell, by tomorrow they'll probly be standing straight up! If not, a little staking will have them right as rain.

Looking good besides the foliar scoliosis man. Stems are looking thick and leaves healthy. Flowering nicely as well!!
Stake em' PF...stake em'...or in your line of work stake 'em out... ;)

You are sweating small stuff - your plants look fantastic. But I do agree about the weather - it seems to rain just about every day here. I have basil - probably a pound of leaves I need to harvest and cannot get in the garden. Carrots that have weeds growing around them that are going to choke them to death if I don't remove the bad guys. Tomatoes that need staked. Plus I need to add a bunch of fertilizer to the garden.

No doubt, things will equal out and in a month or six weeks, I'll be bemoaning the lack of water from the skies. We could have gotten a huge downpour today but it avoided my backyard and I'm hoping that at the least I can grab the basil tomorrow morning.

As I was heading to work tonight, it was raining again and my poor beds looked more like rice patties than a garden. I am hoping for some sun tommorrow and my wife said that she will be staking the plants first thing in the morning for me.

I'm glad that I filled the beds with about 4" of gravel before the soil.
Yup, Pittsburgh got nailed last night, as well. Tornado warnings (wtf?!?), hail, torrential rain, about the only good thing about it was some wicked cool lightning that I remembered to video.

My plants seemed to have weathered the storm well enough, I moved my potted stuff under my deck and just crossed my fingers for the stuff in the ground. My pumpkin is probably large enough to look a tornado in the eye and laugh. Seriously, this thing is starting to freak me out.

Holy Crap Batman! Was that first bolt both behind AND in front of the house?!?! Rest of the video is still buffering...

Ok, I gotta believe that was some kind of artifact of the video process... or not.
this sucks but they dont look very damaged and should get betetr in no time. my plants also suffered cold rainy weather last 2 months :/
RichardK said:
Stakes & Cages!

My lovely wife staked up all of the tomatoes this morning and when I woke up this afternoon, all of the pepper plants are looking better, still a bit shaken, but better.

worlok said:
Did you grow them from seeds or buy young plants?

I started all of mine from seed including the tomatoes around the end of Feb (I think).

Skydiver said:
Yup, Pittsburgh got nailed last night, as well. Tornado warnings (wtf?!?), hail, torrential rain, about the only good thing about it was some wicked cool lightning that I remembered to video.

My plants seemed to have weathered the storm well enough, I moved my potted stuff under my deck and just crossed my fingers for the stuff in the ground. My pumpkin is probably large enough to look a tornado in the eye and laugh. Seriously, this thing is starting to freak me out.

I hear ya Skydiver, they are saying that a tornado touched down here somewhere, but I don't know for sure.

imaguitargod said:
Standing water in the beds????? Sounds like the soil doesn't drain very well...... hmmm...

Uhmm...the standing water did quickly disappear after it stopped raining. There was just too much rain all at once. Heck, my house's gutters couldn't even handle all of the rain.

serrano said:
this sucks but they dont look very damaged and should get betetr in no time. my plants also suffered cold rainy weather last 2 months :/

This sure has been a strange year for weather patterns.
Pepperfreak said:
Uhmm...the standing water did quickly disappear after it stopped raining. There was just too much rain all at once. Heck, my house's gutters couldn't even handle all of the rain.

OHHHH!!!! I get it now.
We had a storm come through my neighborhood last night that was just shy of a tornado. Started suddenly, and lasted about 15 minutes. Hail, lightning, rain blowing sideways, the works. We now have a power line down in the front yard, and haven't had power since around 5:00PM yesterday. Had all my big potted Chinenses laid over, but none were broken. I staked them all up, and they looked fine this morning. Seems like the gardening Gods were watching over me. Trees were down everywhere, huge limbs down, and not a single plant was lost in my yard.

Be careful out there kids. This years weather is something really different than I've ever seen.
Looks like you and your plants had a rough time with the weather p.f im sure they will recover fine by the look of things,But yes you need to finding the best way of securing them together,i used camping stakes to tie some of pots to the ground last year and worked well :)
Those are some strong plants to just be leaning and not snapped in half. Kudos on the grow routine.

We average a bit over 4 inches of rain for the month of June and as of the 19th we are already ahead of that pace. Had to do the backstroke to get to the grocery store.