food HOT coffee

I had a brain wave today (stand back!). I use a french press to make my coffee so I thought I would drop some chili in there to brew with the coffee grounds. First attempt turned out pretty good. very slight amount of spice, my mouth just feels like it is warm from the coffee for longer than normal.

I cut the stem off a small Thai pod and dropped it in whole. Next time I think I will chop it up first which should bump up the heat a little more.
I have thought about trying this. All I have done so far is grind up coffee beans after making powder. It gave a little bit of heat. I'll have to try actually putting some peppers in this time and see how it comes out.
I put some ghost chili placenta in my uncles coffee cup one time.

He was surprised.

I don't drink coffee, but my friends do, and one of them has offered to test putting some of my pepper powder in with their grounds the next time they make coffee...
Just brewed another batch, this time I did a fine slice on a whole 2" long Thai pod. MUCH hotter. This is a little too much for my taste. There is just a little heat on the tongue, but then there is some pretty good burn on the back of my throat that I don't really like.

The heat level would be easier to control with powder or flakes, but I have a million fresh right now and besides, it is more dramatic to dump a whole chili into my coffee pot :fireball:

Next time I think cutting the pod into only 2 or 3 hunks will dial it in just right.
Hmmmm. interesting.
I have a roaster and a couple lbs of beans left.
Throw a little half dried scorpion in with the roast or add as flakes to the ground up beanage to keep from contaminating the grinder?