food HOT dogs

Breakfats dogs, Jungle Rain White Lightning sauce, onions and bacon, cheese

Great breakky


I'm not a hot dog chick, so when I do eat a hot dog (maybe once every ten years...), it's gotta have all kind of stuff on it to drown out the hot dog flavor. (Sacrilege, I know, but it is what it is.) Usually it will be something like a chile cheese dog, as chile and cheese seems to cover a whole lot of sins. Still, I'm trying to wrap my mind around the idea of lettuce (lettuce???) on a hot dog, even if it is snausage. Hmm... hope you enjoyed it!
Nice Wiener Booma. Sorry, but not a breakfast dog! Without an EGG on it, it's just another Chicago dog, or New York Rangers third base dog, or something awesome out of the South...

Waaaaay South. :rofl:

And if you were eating it at breakfast time, that means it was Wednesday here so....