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Hot Hands

I was not sure where to post this question. Since its a hot topic, my freakin hands, thought it could go here. Anyways, every year, the past three, everytime i am creating whatever it may be, salsas or some kind of hot sauce, i end up getting the fumes or steam on my hands. I am wondering if anyone knows something i can do to wash it off? The only thing i know what to do is ride it out and WATCH OUT and DO NOT, DO NOT touch any sensitive areas. Just got finished canning about 15 pints and 4 quarts of salsa and my hands are on fire :hell: I do wear gloves whenever i have to cut up my hot peppers, but never when i am cooking things. My salsa contained
Lots of Tomatoes, heirlooms and hybrids
3c apple cider ving
3c jalapeno
2c bells
unknown amount of sea salt, cummin, lime juice, garlic
I know, when i start cooking up my salsa i am really bad about not measuring and just adding to get the taste i want.

I do not have my ph meter yet, so i am trying to add enough ving so no one dies. I finally ordered one and it should be here by next week. Also, this was for my wife to eat too, so i had to go easy on the heat. Everything in my garden is saying pick me, so will be making lots more. My next batch will be with pineapple. I have not tryed that yet, but read it on here.
Any advice?
lemon juice helps the hands and moisturizer since those fumes will dry the skin, especially the knuckles.

The Fatalii's oil feels good in small amounts on those sensitive parts :dance:
I have this problem on a large scale, and even when wearing a Tyvek suit with nitrile gloves, there always seems to be a few evil molecules that permeate the gloves. I rinse my hands with bleach, which I learned during my furniture refinishing years, it'll draw the capsaicin out of the skin. Then scrub with rubbing alcohol, which will put the capsaicin crystals that have come out of the epidermal layers into solution and will then wash away easily.
Just canned about 7 pints and 2 quarts of hungarian peppers. they are great in apple cider ving on whatever. Since they are not that hot, i figure i would not use gloves. Hands are burning once again :mouthonfire: One day i might learn. I CANNOT WAIT FOR MY HOTTER PEPPERS TO MATURE!!!
Castrol Purple Cleaner (or a generic equivalent) will wash it off like nobody's business, and you don't
get the "bleach" smell afterwords. Both work on the same principal by removing the fatty acids from your skin
(that's why your hands feel slimy when you have it on them) and carrying off the cap oil at the same time.
Purple Cleaner has the added benefits of a strong detergent additive which will help wash the cap off.
double layer of gloves---

prevention is the best offense~~~~

when making sauces, it's not uncommen for me to go through 5-6 pairs of gloves.
But, But, But Salsalady, we are all he-men around here and real he-men don't need no gloves! :lol:
Ummmm, perhaps not. :cool:
50%bleach water solution....and scrub!I hate nitrile gloves, and I wash in the bleach solution after every session or before any uhm... specialized personal handling needs!It will also help prevent "sudden violent death by female" or visa versa!I'm gonna try that cleaner mentioned above though!Ventilation for the steam....damnit some one heard me snicker, and read over my shoulder..OWW,DAMN, AHHH,OUCH....OWW.......
The Fatalii's oil feels good in small amounts on those sensitive parts :dance:
in small amounts yes, last night i cut up a fatalii and de seeded it with out gloves, they were not buring at all so i thought wow that is not bad at all. so i washed my hands a couple time itched my neck, face, rear end and just above the junk. and after about 45 min everything started to burn! it was GNARLY for about an hour! LOL worst part was is i looked at the gloves and thought " nah these arent that bad" :crazy: :rofl: :onfire: needless to say hoepfully never again!
wow, thank you for that info , i still have a slight stinging under my nails from my first bhut experiance. i dont have to worry about scratching myself in a sensitive area anymore, because nowadays i cant reach over my belly :rofl: