annuum Hot Jalapenos

Not sure if this is in the right spot or not so feel free to move it if needed. After a hectic day of cleaning the garage I made poppers and burgers for supper. OMG these jalapenos came out of the freezer, filled with cream cheese, wrapped with bacon. Normal everyday popper except those had to be the HOTTEST jalapenos I'd ever eaten. I don't know if they got more intense in the freezer or were that hot from the start. Yes I saved seeds last year and have been sharing. Definitely not wimpy jalapenos.
The "classic" Jalapenos I grew last season were surprisingly hot. I mean like *really* hot... it happens sometimes.
I hope mine are hot this year...I can't help it...I absolutely love a good is a very versatile pepper...

as far as freezing them making them hotter...I have no experience with freezing peppers....
I don't think it's the freezing part. I freeze various peppers all the time and the heat levels never change. You just happened to get some violent jalapenos, thats all.
Yes I prefer fresh jalapenos but in small town rural Minnesota fresh isn't always available,if it is you don't know how hot they are until you get them ready...think my local grocery would frown if I decided to take a bite out of their peppers in the store to test for heat. Freezing my own is the best way to be sure they have heat and not be at the mercy of whatever the store can get. Wally world is 30 minutes away and it was a day for something quick and easy as I had a LONG day cleaning the garage.
The grocery store jals here are always green and low in heat so I always grow plenty of my own and freeze/dry/pickle/smoke etc.

My early Jalapeno M pods, small but extra hot
Oh man look at those red babies. Hey! Doesn't Texclosetgrower have seeds to the rare red jalapeno? :P

Looking good POTAWIE. Looking real good.:)
patrick said:
Oh man look at those red babies. Hey! Doesn't Texclosetgrower have seeds to the rare red jalapeno? :P

Looking good POTAWIE. Looking real good.:)

What's rare about red jalapeno's?

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
What's rare about red jalapeno's?

Cheers, TB.
Jalapeños are green. the red strain is believed to be some kind of mutant. I think there's a government-funded research regarding this subject.
I'll be posting pics of Jackie's Strain of Sayula tomorrow,which has purple flowers and pods..I'm hopeing they also carry the heat gene!
Went into Lowe's this morning and they had a ton of gorgeous Jalapeno seedlings for $1.18 each. 6-8 inches tall and nice thick stems. That's some cheap food all summer long there.