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Hot Pepper Sauce

Firstly hello what a great site and forum

I,m looking to make a hot pepper sauce , I have access to fresh bonnets and dried habanero
Can anyone recommend a good recipe
I,m keen for it to be gluten free so i,m keen on zanthum gum

Hope someone can help .
Burning Colon said:
I just picked up some mangos and have a couple of bags of my own hot peppers in the freezer and this time I plan on using okra as my thickening agent.

Good luck.

I tried the okra thing once. It doesn't work too well. The sauce comes out like someone blew their nose into it. Really effin slimey.
I'm cooking down my fermented sauce as I type.I've never used the Xanthan Gum.I'm looking for recomendations for how much I should use.Peppers in the sauce?See my growlist.Small amount of garlic.A small amount of raw slaw to get the kefir started.I'll be adding some vineger to taste and some Celtic Sea Salt.After that,I'll just see what its missing.
As for Allspice,I usually use it in Caribbean sauces.Sometimes I use leaves from my Allspice tree.They have the exact same flavor.Especially nice in Jerk Paste.Deinately looking for some advice on the gum!Thanks
Scorpion said:
Nice....grab half a dozen bonnets, one tomato, a clove of garlic a touch of honey plus your 20%+ acid. Cook and blend mmmmm will keep for a long time and will taste fantastic, a lovely simple sauce!

How much honey? Would white distilled vinegar be ok for my acid. I have a freezer full of bonnets that I need to do something with!