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recipe-help Hot sauce and interesting ingredients

I've noticed that many of the hot sauce recipes I've seen on this site and on the web look extremely similar. Many of them are like carbon copies of each other. I was wondering if anyone has any recipes with "unusual" ingredients instead of the same old things.

One interesting ingredient that I've heard of was bananas, but don't know if anyone's done that before.

Most of the sauces appear exactly the same with simply the kind of pepper used as the only wild card.

Will look forward to responses.
Hum, maybe if an Organic Peanut Butter were used and if you let the organic stuff set for a bit the oil seperates. You would be able to drain off the oil and have a less oily peanut butter and the organic has little to no sugar.
I actually just made a hot sauce with a bana in it!
I had a Red Habanero Ferment that was about 5 months old and no longer active in the jar.
I blended up the peppers by them selves first mixed with a little brine and a little white vin.
I then used about 4 ounces of the mash and added 1 full banana and about 5 cubic inches of fresh cut pineapple.
I used xantham gum to stabilize it and white vineger to get the ph down to 2.5-3 range.

The flavor is incredible! Its a very soft creamy flavor with subtle sweetness. I cant wait to try it on some chicken or pork. A friend mentioned that he was curious if the browning of the banana will still occur and i hadnt even thought about that but I dont think there will be any sort of effect. I guess we'll have to wait and see! If the fermentation starts back up, the flavor may get even better or less banany. Exciting!