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recipe-help Hot sauce collection with good flavor variety and great colors

So this is too late for this holiday season probably, but I was thinking it would be cool to make a set of 4-6 different hot sauces that could be given as gifts. I'd want a good representation of different flavors but also really nice and distinct colors. So just throwing out some ideas and seeing if I'm missing anything really great. I'm staying away from the super hots because my palate and those of most of my friends peaks out in the habanero range of heat. Oh, and I'm not totally married to this idea, but I thought it would be cool for each sauce to have two hot peppers. A little more complexity than a single one, but not so many competing flavors that they get lost.
Red: so many options, but thinking red jalapeno and guajillo. Sort of a little more interesting Sriracha. Garlic, salt, vinegar, maybe beet juice if needed to make the red color pop if the guajillos mute it too much. Versatile, pretty low heat.
Orange: Habanero and I'm not sure what else, maybe manzano. Can apparently get both all the time at the local supermarket. Carrot, lime, salt, garlic. Tried and true but is it interesting enough?
Yellow: Was thinking aji amarillo two ways: fresh and dried (aka aji mirasol). Maybe yellow bell pepper if needed to reinforce the color. I'm guessing this would work better with citrus juices than vinegar. I've seen turmeric used for color too but not sure the flavor would work. Alternatively theres aji limon but I'm not too familiar with it.
Green: well I already used jalapeno, so maybe Hatch and serrano. Tomatillo, lime, salt, garlic. Too predictable?
Blue: ok probably not going to get a good blue hot sauce
Purple: I know there are cultivars that are purple, at least for some part of the ripening stages, but not sure how to get them or what to pair them with. So maybe go brown with ancho and chipotle and tamarind, then add blueberries and beet juice to make it more of a burgundy color.  This would fill a flavor niche and still look visually appealing I think.
Any other ideas?
MikeUSMC said:
Wow! I'm loving the color on that one, jhc! :party: Super vibrant!
Thank you Mike. It's the prickly pear that made it happen.  I suppose I could have left it a more "honest" yellow-orange color but I kind of dig the result. It's not quite as neon as the pic I realize but it's pretty close. Next time, I'll make a prickly pear syrup instead of while fruit.