Hot Sauce Give-away Contest

Memories and dreams, all in one basket.

Nice offer SL, but typical for your awesomeness! :clap:
Hey SL, I bet there are people around here who would send you tons of free pods in exchange for a bottle of whatever creative concoction you come up with to use them in (and you get to keep the rest, of course...). Maybe you name a limited edition product after the grower who sends you a certain amount...

Just sayin. 
And don't get too excited about "Frydad's No Peppers Because of White Fly Store-Bought-Pepper Ass Burner Dry Rub". 
It's not catchy enough...
But "Dry Rub" sounds a little dirty...
Good Idea, Fiddy,  but I can't seem to function with anything less than at least 5 pounds of chiles to work with, that'd be a whole lot of SFRB's.  :lol:  
Likin' the sound of that Dirty Dry Rub......I could really do something with making a rub to fit that name...:lol:......
Nothing makes me happier than scoring some big red corked fresnos as the grocery store. I'm surprised I didn't grow any this year.... I guess this is the year to experiment with all the fancy superhots. Next year will probably be all about taste. 
The wait on the winners being named is just about as worse as waiting on germination then waiting on growing then waiting on flowering then waiting on pollination then waiting on ripening then waiting on a ferment.
salsalady said:
Just got up, sorry I couldn't hang untin midnight last, family stuff needing attention~
I'll get it posted in about 30 minutes.  Thanks Everyone!
In no way complaining.... Internet is down at work, stuck with nothing to do....