Hot Sauce Give-away Contest

oldsalty said:
Has anyone seen scovie ? And love this contest Salsalady
Now hand over the prize!! :) or THP gets it!
Careful, Salty~

ya gotta get past The Corrector to even think about The Boss! 
Nice Try though!  :lol:
Here's the Prize Box Choices.  Winners can choose the heat level they want.
The MEDIUM HEAT box includes-
Pure Evil 9.6
Chipotle Hot Sauce
Tropical Ghost Hot Sauce Glaze
Spicy Worcestershire
Sriracha-style Hot Sauce
Pickled Peppers
Southwest Spice Mix (no salt)
Jalapeno Seasoning Salt
Lavender Oil

The HOT HEAT box includes-
Pure Evil 9.6
Ghost Fire Hot Sauce 5 oz
Chipotle BBQ Sauce
Tropical Ghost Hot Sauce Glaze
Spicy Worcestershire
Red Hot Sauce
Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce
Habanero Seasoning Salt
Lavender Oil

THe SCORCHER HEAT box includes-
Pure Evil 9.6
Ghost Fire Hot Sauce 10 oz
Chipotle BBQ Sauce
Tropical Ghost Hot Sauce Glaze
Red Hot Sauce
7 Pot chile puree
Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce
7 Pot Seasoning Salt
Moruga Powder

The Red Hot Sauce is- red superhots and red jalapeno chiles, pineapple juice, apples, onions, ginger, garlic, salt, sugar.  Very Hot!
WOW!! Those are awesome prizes. Going to be a very hard decision for the winners. You really loaded each one up. Lavender oil is great stuff. I used to use it to help with insomnia and it does help. Smells damn good and is very calming. You've put together one hell of an extremely generous contest. Thank You.
Thanks, SoCal~
edit- info on fluffy bunny below, and yes, these are all thing I make.  Not all are in production, but they are all made by me.  The Lavender Oil is from our lavender patch.  I harvest a bunch of it and take it to another local lavender grower and distill it for the oil and hydrosol (lavender water).  As Scorched said, it's excellent for calming, helping sleep and also healing cuts, burns, etc.
Fluffy Bunny's not in production.  I have just a couple un-labeled bottles left.  I did save the recipe, so some day I might make another batch just to have around~
I'm going to make a batch of Habanero Seasoning Salt and 7 Pot Seasoning Salt....YOWZA! 
edit- pretty funny... I'm offering prizes i don't even have yet...Hope they turn out!  :lol:
Here's the original post of the Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce For Charity project-
Text from the original listing-
Texas Creek Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce
...the most un-offensive hot sauce in the world! 
 This project started out as a lark, from a conversation on a chileheads forum.  The topic was about all the negative/demonic/satanic images and names people come up with for hot products, and how some people find those images/names offensive.  One person said "well, no one would buy a hot sauce called Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce."  .... one comment led to another and before you know it...I decided to make "Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce, The Most Un-offensive Hot Sauce In The World!" for CHARITY!
The Sauce-
Fluffy Bunny Hot Sauce is a sweet pink colored hot sauce that will give you a sweet start, a garlic WoW, and then a Pure Evil KaPow!   It looks innocuous, but looks can be deceiving!  It's made with pears, grape juice, onion, garlic, balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, beets, Trinidad Scorpion chiles, sugar, 7.6mil Pure Evil, salt, xanthan, other unoffensive fluff-n-stuff.
This was a fun project that raised over $1300 for charity.
Amazingly, the Fluffy Bunny sauce did turn out to taste really good and HOT!  Usually with a novelty sauce for charity, the actual taste of the sauce can suffer for the sake of the novelty.  This one got a lot of great reviews/comments and I've had quite a few people contact me for more after they finished their charity bottles. 
I started work on another one call Nightmares for another charity project, it was a black hot sauce.  But right after Fluffy Bunny, there were a whole bunch of Hot Sauce for Charity sales on FB and the whole thing got diluted.  I didn't want to do all that work and sell 10 "collector" bottles so the project got set aside.  I did make a prototype of the Nightmares sauce and it was BLACK but deliciously gentle.  Might have to revive that project.