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Hot Sauce HORROR stories

Common sense has kept me from trying the extract ladened sauces and dishes. After reading your posts, looks like common sense wins out. I'm too freaked old to go down that painful road, just like it natural.

Thanks for the lesson!!
I'm still fairly new to super hot stuff, so reading these stories kinda freaks me out! My worst experience so far is eating Mega Death sauce on some salami on biscuits. Enjoyable until the one time when I tried it after a few beers, whoops put a bit much on, ahhh it'll be ok..no, I was over the toilet ready to throw up but didn't. The next half hour or so I had a bad gut ache but that went away. I also ate a small Bhut Jolokia pepper recently, I was so proud as it was one of my babies! And yes I knew size doesn't matter and can actually work against you ;) I can take the massive burn, but the gut ache is unpleasent. Just a couple of stories, I'm sure there's more to come, like a runners high after the pain is over :lol:
My horror story really isn't from eating sauce. One time when I breaking apart some dried habaneros and seed flew out and hit me in the eye. I blinked and instead of my blink deflecting the seed it caught the seed and pushed it under my eye lid. At first I thought it had simply bounced off my eye. So I tried rinsing my eye in water. To say the least this actually made things much worse. The water was carrying the capsaicin and coating my eye quiet well. Eventually I figured out that there was a seed under my eye lid. I had to lift the lid and use tweezers to remove the seed.

Now the real kicker can after the 40 minutes the seed was under my eyelid. Naturally long after the seed was removed my eye still hurt(Yes after thorough rinsing too), but if I open my eye it felt a bit like holding your hand in boiling water. However if I kept it closed it kept the capsaicin under my eyelid and unable to escape. Took a few hours of opening the eye for a few seconds and letting the eye tear up to rinse the rinse the rest away.
My horror story really isn't from eating sauce. One time when I breaking apart some dried habaneros and seed flew out and hit me in the eye. I blinked and instead of my blink deflecting the seed it caught the seed and pushed it under my eye lid. At first I thought it had simply bounced off my eye. So I tried rinsing my eye in water. To say the least this actually made things much worse. The water was carrying the capsaicin and coating my eye quiet well. Eventually I figured out that there was a seed under my eye lid. I had to lift the lid and use tweezers to remove the seed.

Now the real kicker can after the 40 minutes the seed was under my eyelid. Naturally long after the seed was removed my eye still hurt(Yes after thorough rinsing too), but if I open my eye it felt a bit like holding your hand in boiling water. However if I kept it closed it kept the capsaicin under my eyelid and unable to escape. Took a few hours of opening the eye for a few seconds and letting the eye tear up to rinse the rinse the rest away.

Ugh, that story made my eyes teary.
My horror story really isn't from eating sauce. One time when I breaking apart some dried habaneros and seed flew out and hit me in the eye. I blinked and instead of my blink deflecting the seed it caught the seed and pushed it under my eye lid. At first I thought it had simply bounced off my eye. So I tried rinsing my eye in water. To say the least this actually made things much worse. The water was carrying the capsaicin and coating my eye quiet well. Eventually I figured out that there was a seed under my eye lid. I had to lift the lid and use tweezers to remove the seed.

Now the real kicker can after the 40 minutes the seed was under my eyelid. Naturally long after the seed was removed my eye still hurt(Yes after thorough rinsing too), but if I open my eye it felt a bit like holding your hand in boiling water. However if I kept it closed it kept the capsaicin under my eyelid and unable to escape. Took a few hours of opening the eye for a few seconds and letting the eye tear up to rinse the rinse the rest away.

visine? lol I jokes, or wait.., it would have helped no? man, people should figure out that chile heads should have a special hospital place to go to for this kind of stuff haha, well I ain't ever had none of this happen, but I did get itchy down under and it was wee bit after pinching lotta red 7 pot, fatalii, bhut jolokia powder into a sandwich.... stuff burns big time man...
Eye pain is the worst for me so I'm feelin your pain! I don't know about Visine......luck would be that something in it multiplies the effect something like ten times.....

My worst so far was the eyes also. When I was younger, about 14 or so I think, I would have pepper contests with my old man. Well, I bit a jalapeño that was black and purple with the lines all over it. The thing shot my eye full, and I mean FULL, of juice like a Super Soaker! It was probably the juiciest pepper I've ever had. My mom freaked because after just a few minutes my whole eyeball turned black. I had popped blood vessels in it, still could see out fine though. I ended up with a cup of milk on my eye for the next 45 minutes and a migraine.....had a funny looking eyeball for a week too.

After that I can't imagine the pain of a superhot in the eye.......
The worst I ever was burned was after eating a 7 pot, after eating a bhut jolokia, after eating a Trinidad Scorpion, all in a 45 minute timeframe, I was trying to determine which was hottest :crazy: !
I walked into my favorite watering hole one night to discover some
fellow hot sauce fanatics putting drops of Pepper Palace's 'Hottest
Sauce In The Universe' in shots of tequila. I don't care for tequila
so I opted to put drops in my shots of Jagermeister.

It was good, although very hot. The hot sauce brought out the inherent
spiciness of the herbal liquor and gave a sort of cinnamon-y after-
taste. We had quite a few that night... quite a few.

Now, we've all experienced the ring sting after consuming hot stuff.
This was my first and hopefully last time experiencing urethra burn!

Yes, you read that correctly. Urethra burn!

Not only that, but when I vomited later that evening, it burned all
the way up the esophagus as well.
One time I had a friend over from another state. He was sleeping on the couch. I was hangover and hungry and craving something spicy. I was gonna make an omelettes but to tide me over I had a pitted olive with a dose of day bomb in the middle (got the idea from a cooking show). It had been several hours since I had eaten anything, and within a few seconds I was back in bed with intense pain in my gut and I was sweating like crazy. After a few minutes I was afraid I'd have to wake my friend up and have him drive me to the ER. Luckily the pain subsided.

Another time, I was at work. This was when I was eating Mezzetta pickled habs like crazy. I'd have like 4-5 a day. I was working late and it was toward the end of my shift. I was meeting some friends for Mexican food after work and I decided to get the heat started with a hab. Again, I hadn't eaten anything in awhile, so the pain was pretty immediate. I ran to the stash of meds at the front desk and ate a ton of antacids. Then I laid on the floor and couldn't move for several minutes. I was late meeting my friends lol.
There's a local franchise here in Virginia called Buffalo Wing Factory. They have this challenge where if you can finish ten of their Flatliner wings, which consist of their other hottest sauces combined together with some extra powders and pure cap, you get a t-shirt, your name on the wall and the meal for free.

I tried it without eating anything at all that day. The wings tasted pretty unpleasant, but the heat was manageable. Until it hit my otherwise empty stomach. Despite a pretty gnarly trip or two to puke in the bathroom, I'm wearing that goddamn shirt right now.