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Hot Sauce Punishment for Children...

...or, how to not raise a chilehead.



( partial excerpt below...follow link to read the whole thing)

"Hot Saucing"
A traditional method for punishing children

What it is:

"Hot Saucing" (a.k.a. "Hot Tongue") involves burning a child's tongue with Tabasco or a similar hot sauce as a punishment for unacceptable behavior. It is generally used when the child's misbehavior is related to the use of their mouth: talking back to adults, lying, biting someone, swearing, spitting, refusing to eat, etc. Variations on the punishment include the use of acetic acid (vinegar), lemon juice, soap or some other highly noxious substance.

According to the Washington Post, " 'Hot saucing,' or 'hot tongue,' has roots in Southern culture, according to some advocates of the controversial disciplinary method, but it has spread throughout the country. Nobody keeps track of how many parents do it, but most experts...including pediatricians, psychologists and child welfare professionals, [are]... familiar with it."

Medical contraindications:

Carleton Kendrick, a family therapist from Boston, MA, recommends against the use of hot saucing. He said that it can burn the child's esophagus and cause their tongue to swell. This can create a potential choking hazard. He said: "There are many different kinds of hot sauce on the market, and parents who say they know the dilution to use so it won't sting, or say they only use one drop, are wrong. It's done because it hurts. It stings. It burns. It makes you nauseous." Giorgio Kulp, a pediatrician in Montgomery County, VA, says that the use of hot sauce on children is dangerous because of the risk of swelling and the possibility of triggering unknown allergies. He notes that "Every child's reaction, physically, is different." So it might be safe for one child but not another.

An associated method of inflicting pain on children is the force feeding of hot-peppers. Two child psychologists reported that this "can result in anaphylaxis or cause significant burns and damage to developing tissues in the mouth, esophagus, intestinal walls, stomach, and colon."

horizontal rule
Hot saucing advocates:

( look who it is...Blair! - chuk)

Lisa Whelchel was a Mickey Mouse Club Mouseketeer, played the role "Blair" in the television program "Facts of Life," is a home-school mom, is an Evangelical Christian, is a motivational speaker, and the author of the book: "Creative Correction: Extraordinary Ideas for Everyday Discipline." 2 She said that "For lying or other offenses of the tongue, I 'spank' my kids' tongues. I put a tiny drop of hot sauce on the end of my finger and dab it onto my child's tongue. It stings for a while, but it abates. It's the memory that lingers!" 1 She feels that the practice worked for her children when other disciplinary actions failed. Appearing on ABC News' Good Morning America, she said: "It does sting and the memory stays with them so that the next time they may actually have some self-control and stop before they lie or bite or something like that....I prefer my child receive a small amount of pain from my hand of love than to encounter a lot more pain in life....It's a logical consequence. If you cause somebody pain, either by the words you say by lying and not being a trustworthy person or by biting, this is a logical consequence. It's your mouth that's the offender." Whelchel restricted the punishment on her own children between the pre-school age to their 10th birthday. In an interview with the Washington Post, she said: "A correction has to hurt a little. An effective deterrent has to touch the child in some way. I don't think Tabasco is such a bad thing....[Discipline involves] drawing a line to protect the child and if they cross that line, there will be pain." Whelchel said she believes that disciplinary methods should be left up to parents. They know their child best, are devoted to the child's well-being, and can administer punishment with love. She mentions that hot saucing can be overdone. "If there's a mom who shakes the bottle on the kid's tongue, that mom probably does deserve to have someone poking into her business. But I think most moms are caring and intuitive. You can't throw out a bunch of good stuff because of the exceptions." 1 She quotes: Proverbs 10:31: "The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the forward (perverse) tongue shall be cut out."
Washington Post article:


" Like some other parents who use hot sauce, Crosen believes it is an appropriate punishment for "defiant talk. . . . I use it when the mouth is the offending party. He needs to learn to control what's coming out of his mouth. If it's his tongue that gets him in trouble, it's his tongue that gets punished."

As a Christian, she believes that "children need to respect and obey [parents] or they won't learn to respect and obey God. God won't hot sauce you, but you need to learn consequences."

Like DeLorme, Crosen reached a moment with her son where she thought, " 'That's it, I have had it' -- I needed something drastic to get through."

Crosen allows the hot sauce to sit on her son's tongue, then gives him milk and crackers to wash it down before having him explain why he was disrespectful. "

" God won't Hot sauce you..." ::LOL!::
Whatever happended to a good slap to the back of the head when a kid does something wrong? Oh yeah, I forgot, it's not politically correct anymore.
As with any punishmnet... excess is wrong. I had no problem spanking my kids. A quick crack on the ass can be a very useful tool. Now... when someone confuses a beating with a spanking is where it goes bad.

I have never used hot sauce as punishment. I have been blessed, somehow, to have never heard my kids swear. I know my son swears when he is with his friends (I cannot stop this) but I do ask him to be respectful and to Please not swear around adults as a show of respect.
Ohhh and on a side note... I grew up with the belt and wooden spoon. My Mother was one of those that believes that if you hit them hard enough the first time, you never have to hit them again! hehe :P
Dan@BLP Labels said:
Ohhh and on a side note... I grew up with the belt and wooden spoon. My Mother was one of those that believes that if you hit them hard enough the first time, you never have to hit them again! hehe :P

I was raised in the military, we learned respect at a very young age. Your mom was right on. I can't stand it these days, all the little screaming cretins running around restaurants, talking back to their parents, perpetually swearing as if it's cool to, etc. What the Hell does a "time-out" accomplish? Smack 'em in the head once, and they'll think about doing it again. If they do, smack 'em again. Many of these kids today have the manners of dogs, so treat them like dogs. If a dog can learn, so can a back-talking, spoiled little brat.
DEFCON Creator said:
I was raised in the military, we learned respect at a very young age. Your mom was right on. I can't stand it these days, all the little screaming cretins running around restaurants, talking back to their parents, perpetually swearing as if it's cool to, etc. What the Hell does a "time-out" accomplish? Smack 'em in the head once, and they'll think about doing it again. If they do, smack 'em again. Many of these kids today have the manners of dogs, so treat them like dogs. If a dog can learn, so can a back-talking, spoiled little brat.

Amen! Tiime outs are the down fall of Western Civilization.
Not unlike "social promotion". It's gonna be a scary future with all of the over-medicated kids running around in their psycho-tropic (sp?) haze, on medication that no one knows the long-term effects of yet.
DEFCON Creator said:
Not unlike "social promotion". It's gonna be a scary future with all of the over-medicated kids running around in their psycho-tropic (sp?) haze, on medication that no one knows the long-term effects of yet.

eesshh - you been hanging out with Tom Cruise?? LOL :P
DEFCON Creator said:
Nope, not at all. Tom's "Mother-Ship" over-medicated him as well. Either that, or he is just another Hollywood freak.

I vote for the latter of the two, however, the Mother Ship scenerio would explain a lot!
DEFCON Creator said:
Not unlike "social promotion". It's gonna be a scary future with all of the over-medicated kids running around in their psycho-tropic (sp?) haze, on medication that no one knows the long-term effects of yet.
Well, there's one less medicated person in the world. I was "diagnosed" with ADHD and was on ritalin/adderal for 19 years. 5 months ago I read up on the stuff and immediatly took myself off the meds. I've never felt better in my life.
imaguitargod said:
Well, there's one less medicated person in the world. I was "diagnosed" with ADHD and was on ritalin/adderal for 19 years. 5 months ago I read up on the stuff and immediatly took myself off the meds. I've never felt better in my life.

Good for you!!! So... this means that you are the latter of the two also? A typical Hollyweird Freak?? :P :)

I kid... I kid... :)
imaguitargod said:
Well, there's one less medicated person in the world. I was "diagnosed" with ADHD and was on ritalin/adderal for 19 years. 5 months ago I read up on the stuff and immediatly took myself off the meds. I've never felt better in my life.

The nurse at the local junior high school in town is good friends with my mother. She states they have TWO FULL VAULTS full of kids meds. Twice a day, there is a line of dozens upon dozens of kids waiting for their prescriptions. Something is WRONG HERE!!! Cripes, 20-30 years ago, unless your arm was lopped off, the nurse would do nothing more than give you a band-aid and send you back to class...And look, we all turned out fine, and there weren't any law suits because little Johnny "upset" another 8 year old! Hell, when we got home, we were kicked out of the house until dusk for dinner, and we actually played OUTSIDE! You know, that place where kids used to grow up, before the cathode ray tube dungeon began sucking out their intelligence. Batteries in toys? Nope, we used a thing of the past called imagination. And nobody got carpal tunnel syndrome at the age of 6 from an X-Box. You may think I jest, but the current over-medicated, silver spoon, over-protected, entitlement generation is going to be a scary one.

Whew, I need a beer.
Dan@BLP Labels said:
Good for you!!! So... this means that you are the latter of the two also? A typical Hollyweird Freak?? :) :)
I prefer typical Hollywood Oddball thankyouvermuch. ;)

DEFCON Creator said:
Nope, we used a thing of the past called imagination.
What's that? Was that an Atari game?

everytime i get into a topic of child diciplin i have to tell this story...my son was around 3 years old. my wife and i were frying up some french fries in the fry daddy and at one time i looked and i saw my son have the cord and was pulling the fry daddy to the edge of the counter and it was not to far from crashing over his head and covering him with 350 to 375 degree grease.
i felt like i was in slow motion but i grabed my son and pulled him out of the kitchen it felt like 20 min but it was probably a half of a sec because somehting kicked in and all i could think about was not wanting my son to get hurt.. i was so upset i yelled and screamed and went bezerk...DO YOU KNOW THAT WOULD HURT YOU...(cpl of wacks on the bottom) anyway cpl days later were in the kitchen again ....cooking some frys.....again... he come doodlebugging in there...he looks up and say...thats hot daddy?? im like yea buddy thats hot...he said something like....ok i won't mess with it.
imagine if i had not gotten the point across to him...or just didn't want to spank him or warn him of danger so i wouldn't stun his creativity....thank you dr spock....anyway yea i spank my kids but every time i do i dont feel great about it...i just don't want them to be hurt or grow up to be jerks.
My son came home from screwl one day (I think 4th grade) and he told me that the Teacher said if you spank me, I can call the police!

I looked him in the eye and said the first thing that came to my mind - "Yes son, you probably can.... but just remember that I won't stop spanking you until the police show up" HAHA You should have seen the look on his face. Priceless!!! I never would, but the shock value was such that I never heard him talk about that ever again.

Another great line I have used on him is - "Just remember son... I can run faster pissed off than you can scared!" heheh

I don't have too much trouble with him. He's a good boy!