Check these lil babies out Just put them on at 6 this evening smoking with pecan and drool. The oness up front are Naga Morrich then Japelenos, Cumaria de passarhinos, two large ones in corner by the yellow habs are trinadad congos
Dont they just make your mouth water? :hell:
They were my oldest ones and the one has a lil damage to tip but will cut that off in about two minutes lol Thanks going to the smoker
I would be lying if I'd deny that just looking at the pics makes me want to bite into some of them!! Good work. I wish I had the means to smoke some pods. Yummy! :)
Nice. Personally I've found that the really fruity tasting peppers aren't as good smoked as ones with natural smokey or earth flavors. My favorite smoked are chocolate habs and my least fav is yellow habs
okie joe said:
Check these lil babies out Just put them on at 6 this evening smoking with pecan and drool. The oness up front are Naga Morrich then Japelenos, Cumaria de passarhinos, two large ones in corner by the yellow habs are trinadad congos
Dont they just make your mouth water? :hell:

They looking great have great year with your garden.:lol:
The finished Product

Here they are and now they sitting in the garage getting dried :onfire: Doesn't it just want you to grab a fork mmmmmmm :onfire:
Don't tell me you never tried that!?

Dried Nagas make great blunts! So great it brings tears of joys to your eyes!!!

The old smoking peppers joke comes up every year. You forgot to mention to remove the seeds and stems before rolling.;)
The seeds give an extra kick and I just bite off the stem and spit it out before smoking, makes me feel like smoking a cigar! *cough!*