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Hottest thing you ever ate.

festering said:
While de-seeding a ghost pepper on Friday at 8:00am I wasn't thinking and popped the whole thing in my mouth and ate it.
Now the heat in my mouth was fine, but the lack of any breakfast was the killer. About a half hour later I was curled up in a ball rolling around the bathroom floor with the worst cap cramps ever. I can honestly say I thought I was dying.
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Yeah, mouth burn is nothing compared to cap cramps.
Thinking on it . . . . . some gun laws arent strict enough :rofl: :rofl:
We grow weapon grade shit and people actually put it in their mouths!
Pity the fools ;)
Somewhat hard question for me to answer.   if you go by straight up scoville rating  then Carolina Reaper is the hottest fresh pod I have tried,  but  I have been hurt worse by other things. 
there seems to be a disconnect between scoville rating and personal experience though. 
  I have eaten sauce that claims to be 1 mil scoville and it wasn't anywhere near the hurt  cajohns fatalii puree can put on me.   I use reaper and 7 pots with little after effects but  a regular ghost will nearly always hurt my gut more than anything else. 
Jay-  I just found and watched your ramen noodle challenge vid on youtube.. you are a beast 
The hottest pod that I ate was a particular Butch T amongst a box from PepperRich ...

The worst tasting/nastiest was a Chocolate Douglah that kind of ruined freshies for me ...

The most disruptive to my GI is any regular old bhut jolokia ...
Either 6.4 million extract (man that makes some strong pizza and chocolate) or the second batch of Hell Unleashed. Induced vomitting, took out my sinuses and basically pepper sprayed my entire bathroom afterwards. Would not recommend, even if it did taste far better than the first version.
In terms of Scoville rating, the hottest thing was the 6 million Pure Evil from Salsalady. Used straight from the bottle, it kinda bypasses "hot" altogether and just goes directly to "painful"  :lol: Unlike extracts, the PE actually had a pleasant vanilla taste(my first thought on tasting it was actually "vanilla ice cream") Unlike some superhots, the PE didn't really bother my stomach much (I used a very small amount though). Of course, PE is a food additive and is not meant to be sampled straight from the bottle. I just had to know, though  :)
For pods, it is hard for me to say which was the absolute hottest one, since the high-end supers are all so incredibly hot. But I recently had the chance to try Judy's Chocolate Lava, and wow - It was immediately, insanely hot and the burn continued for a long time too. That thing was as hot as any pepper that I have ever tried.
I don't think they taste much of anything and I believe I have had all of the ones she has made.  Definitely 100% better than the extracts made with keytones.  I think those taste metallic and nasty.
Oh and thank you Ashen.  That was definitely a memorable experience.  That challenge is open to anyone I believe.  As far as I know only one other person finished it.  You should do it!
The 6 mil PE I have came from the boxes of stuff she was selling this spring. Never seen it offered on her site. Anyway, the stuff I got has a *very* strong vanilla smell, like opening a bottle of vanilla extract, and tastes of vanilla. The 1.5 mil infused PE that came with it does not have this smell or taste at all. Anyway, I think the 6 mil stuff I got has a pretty pleasant taste, at least until the burn takes the flavor away.
BlackFatalii said:
In terms of Scoville rating, the hottest thing was the 6 million Pure Evil from Salsalady. Used straight from the bottle, it kinda bypasses "hot" altogether and just goes directly to "painful"  :lol:
Only ever had that once with spice and that was when I dropped 1million and wasabi extract directly onto my tongue. The wasabi spread out and was delicious but the extract was contained by it and stung like hell in one pinprick point.
Ashen said:
was this the 9.6 mil PE or the 1.5  in this contest vid?    somehow I think it wasn't the 9.6

Yes it was 9.6, 13 drops...but it was snorked down so fast, people weren't showing the full effects.
festering said:
Thanks for posting those. Is PE available in the UK?
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Yes, thru amazon and our website, but wait a week or two as we are adding a hotter PE and updating things.
the reply got lost in the quote above- sorry, was working on a Kindle~
"Yes it was 13 drops of 9.6, but they horked it down so fast they didn't show the full effects until later"