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Hottest thing you ever ate.

"horked it down" 
Now that is an expression that is entirely under-used.  Love it. 
Yeah, my video you get to watch every painstaking minute.
Sad there isnt a vid on later :rofl: :rofl:
That shit is brutal heat!
One day Ill add it to my collection
salsalady said:
the reply got lost in the quote above- sorry, was working on a Kindle~
"Yes it was 13 drops of 9.6, but they horked it down so fast they didn't show the full effects until later"
Get it and do a video!  We need to make this a "thing".  I am not doing the new one unless people start doing the ramen challenge.
It was a learning experience, I thought it would take people longer, even eating with a Spork. But it was a time challenge, who eats it first. It usually takes a couple minutes for the heat to really get going.

Maybe the new PE challenge should be ...it has to take at least 5 minutes but no more than 10. Lol.
You have to consider the time for the broth to become cool enough.  I would say ten minutes once you start.  It is a mutherf**ker when it is hot!!!  I learned the hard way.  I am pretty sure that the PE is hotter once heated too.
The easier solution is to mix in supers just for that initial heat to slow them down. I'd advise something like the Primo because that sucker hits fast and builds insanely quickly. First time I tried Primo sauce I was terrified.
Broth temp really isnt a factor,some what but no
Cap's do build on their own
Glorious video suffering . . . . . . .me likes bunches!
 I love when stupid suffers . . . . . . ."hate me"
JayT said:
You have to consider the time for the broth to become cool enough.  I would say ten minutes once you start.  It is a mutherf**ker when it is hot!!!  I learned the hard way.  I am pretty sure that the PE is hotter once heated too.
my favourite part was at about the 6 min mark of part one .. You are looking at that next batch of noodles and you can see just how much you don't want to keep going, to the point you look away and then just power in again.  :hell:
Red brainstrain from Wicked Mike. Rocked me. I'm getting better though, will be getting some PE soon and will hopefully have some homegrowns that take the crown by end of year :)
The hottest thing I ever tried was Smileguy697 his vv7. It ripped me for over 30 minutes and i had the hiccups before the heat came. My face was as red as a cherry and I was sweating like I ran a marathon.
TNKS said:
Broth temp really isnt a factor,some what but no
Cap's do build on their own
Glorious video suffering . . . . . . .me likes bunches!
 I love when stupid suffers . . . . . . ."hate me"
I think I have had samples of all of Ann's Pure Evil batches, and let me tell you from experience, it is definitely hotter when in a hot broth or sauce than it is at room temp.  And yes I was definitely stupid and now it is on display for the ages in that video.  But hey, it was fun and its a great story to tell at parties.  Plus my son taped me so it was cool for him too.
TNKS said:
Did a dry run last night with the baby PE
10 drops.
Made it to point you tip the cup up for the last slurp.
Setting the cup down the room was much brighter yet hazy
You know what, I remember the room being hazy towards the end too!
Its no joke for sure,it will stroke your hair backwards
My sons friend had a total meltdown out here wed.
He was admiring my small display of"The Finer Side of Heat"
Said he loved good hot sauce and asked to try some
Only thing open in the case was the PE 1.5
Asked him he understood "SHU"? Nope! LOL
I gave him a briefing he seemed to get it
Told him I would give him $10 for every drop he could hold for 3 min without a drink(He is almost 30 and stupid)
How much money you got? . . . . .. wrong thing to say :rofl:
I had $45 cash,he agreed to 5 drops :crazy: I let his GF do the dropping and she stuttered on drop 4 and 5
One,two and three were already on the way :lol:
Ten minutes later he and her are out on the patio and she came in said he was literally crying he was hurting so bad :violin:
Four hrs later they are the walk in clinic dealing with cap cramps from hell
Texas Creek Pure Evil BRANDED! ;) :rofl: