Its no joke for sure,it will stroke your hair backwards
My sons friend had a total meltdown out here wed.
He was admiring my small display of"The Finer Side of Heat"
Said he loved good hot sauce and asked to try some
Only thing open in the case was the PE 1.5
Asked him he understood "SHU"? Nope! LOL
I gave him a briefing he seemed to get it
Told him I would give him $10 for every drop he could hold for 3 min without a drink(He is almost 30 and stupid)
How much money you got? . . . . .. wrong thing to say

I had $45 cash,he agreed to 5 drops

I let his GF do the dropping and she stuttered on drop 4 and 5
One,two and three were already on the way

Ten minutes later he and her are out on the patio and she came in said he was literally crying he was hurting so bad

Four hrs later they are the walk in clinic dealing with cap cramps from hell
Texas Creek Pure Evil BRANDED!