How are everyone's plants doing in this heat?

we are at 22 straight 100 or over and counting with no relief in sight Woody...somewhere around 28 above 100 for the year...if we hit 30 straight it will move us to the 2nd hottest summer since they started keeping records down here...lets just hope we don't get to the record of 58 straight...

my plants are really suffering but what the heck...just keeping them alive until the September cool down...
yeah mine have pretty much stopped producing and ive picked about every pod i could. i still have about 25 bhuts to pick. just need to keep them alive till fall and i'll have a great harvest
+ 100 every day for last 2 weeks. some flower drop, not much to worry yet, undersized pods but 7 pods,fatalis and bhut are still wicked hot. what concerns me is peppers arent maturing before they turn..My bhuts are 1 1/2 long and turning red with brown seeds but heat is off the charts. Any thoughts?
New Jersey doing okay






