How are everyone's plants doing in this heat?

Apparently I misread the weather report, it's not going to cool down until more like Sunday/Monday, so I'll definitely be doing some rearranging tomorrow. The midwest actually has it worse than the south right now as far as the heat indices go. The humidity is awful, the second I step outside it's instant sweat everywhere. A 130 degree heat index is still a hell of a lot better than a 10 degree winter day though.

Big ups on proper use of the word "indices".
We officially hit the century mark yesterday up here in West Lafayette. The Thai, Yatsufusa, and Mexican Bird chiles are fruiting/growing like weeds with no signs of stress! I have a two year old orange habanero that is still producing pods, but the rest of the younger chinense are dropping flowers like crazy. The jalapenos and serranos seem to have slowed down a bit as well. I can't believe how much the thai has grown this week though, maybe 6" in each direction!
I don't get it but mine are rockin' out despite the terrible weather. Weather in Cincinnati has been hot and humid, but peppers are doing great. Everything is poppin'--picked my first ripe Bhute Jolokia yesterday and man was that thing hot.

I planted large hot cherry plants and they are going crazy. One plant has so many peppers on it that it fell over. I'll bet it weighs a couple pounds. These guys are starting to turn red.

Jalapeno plants are producing a lot of peppers too.

My habanero plants have tons of peppers on them. I'll bet some plants have 20 pods on them.

I've been watering about 3-4 times per week and pulling weeds almost daily.

My experierment this year was to compare in-ground to pots. The in-ground plants are WAY better.

My under-performers are some sweet bell peppers I planted. They have yielded basically zero. My Fatali peppers are producing some pods, but not in the volume I hoped for.
Despite Heat indexes being over 100 all week long my bhut jolokias have absolutely taken off....I guess they didn't get the message that its hot out. No flower drop, and even had my first pods set this week.
Some of mine are still doing pretty well, the frutescens aren't getting hit that hard, neither are the bird peppers or the superhots or a few others. The ones loaded with pods seem to be struggling a lot more than those that only have a few.
My in-ground plants are little easier to manage than my container plants, but they still need daily attention. All the chinenses, as well as the Thai, Aji Limon, and Guampinha de Veado are kicking butt and taking names. Jalmundos are actually growing large, juicy pods. Aji Amarillo no likey 100ºF days, but I believe they will survive it.
Bih and Red Scorp have been the thirstiest of my bunch and the Lemon drop has droped a few green pods. All else is pretty good though. Were at 98 right now.
Despite Heat indexes being over 100 all week long my bhut jolokias have absolutely taken off....I guess they didn't get the message that its hot out. No flower drop, and even had my first pods set this week.

My bhuts love this heat too but sweat a lot and have BAD acne
My bhuts love this heat too but sweat a lot and have BAD acne

Those are some gnarly looking pods! My potted bhuts are doing ok, the one in the ground is doing really well though. It is pretty large and has about 30 pods, most of them full size, and it only wilts very slightly. I just looked closely, and some of my plants are still setting pods. I noticed a Trinidad Scorpion with several very recently formed pods. :cool: And my first year red rocotto has several small pods now, hopefully these will ripen before winter comes.
The PNW is having the opposite problem, too Cold! The last week has been depressing, cloudy, rainy, highs around 65°f or so. Last couple days have been better though, getting into the seventies with a bit more sun and drying out. All my peppers are making miniature little pods, have not gotten a full size one yet! I do feel for everyone back east that are dealing with 100°f plus weather.....

You are absolutely correct. I live in the Southeastern side of the state and the weather has been much cooler than it should. Luckily it still remains in the mid 80's here which is perfect for my plants.
Plants in containers suffer more - the roots get too hot. What little I have in the ground is doing fine.
Going on day 21 of triple digit temps my plants have tried to flower, dropped all and have even stopped making flowers all together. Plants are doing great over all when it comes to being healthy and growing but it will be months before I start getting flowers and pods setting with all this nonsense this year. Looks like we might end up breaking the record set in the 80s for number of consecutive days of 100+ and total number of days of 100+. I've had to move everything under the patio to have 100% indirect sunlight as the sun was starting to cook the leaves. What a mess this year!

Yes I believe heat is their friend and I have a feeling they absorb the radiation from the sunlight and store it in the pimples. :rofl: Hey they use giant sunflowers to draw out heavy metals from toxic sites.

Edit for typos
My babies are struggling in the Florida heat. I am going to move everyone in complete shade this weekend. The only plants that are doing well are my chinese . Everyone else is either dying or wishing they were dead. Hopefully we can make it through the dog days of summer. :hell:
not bad my habs love the weather weve been having 80s-90 during the day and down to about 60 at night. anything 100 or above I get flower droppage
Mine are a bit thirsty but otherwise ok. I have a few Hot Paper Lanterns, White Bullet Habanero, a Naga Morich and a Trini Scorp CARDI that seem to be unafffected by it all. They are pumping out peppers at a good little clip. The Paper Lantern is doing the best though. The rest of the plants, in ground or in pots, seem to be moving at a steady but slow pace.
Pretty much the same as everyone else. My plants are doing fine but I am experiencing flower drop. That is to be expected though with temps over 100. Monday-Wednesday it is supposed to dip back down into the 80's so I am looking forward to that. Then it looks like more 90's. This summer isn't as hot as last year but it is still too hot.