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How are the children of different species parents classified?

I found a Capsicum crossability matrix at the bottom of this page:


If a baccatum mates (Is there a better term for this?) with an annuum, is there a specific name for the peppers that the seeds produce, or are they simply described as "hybrids?"
they are named from the common name of the parents...

if it is a Male Lion and a Female Tiger, the child is called a Liger and has more hybrid vigor

if it is a Male Tiger and a Female Lion, the child is called a Tigon and exhibits more of the undesirable traits...

so...if you take the pollen donars name and the ovarys name....Male Jalapeno/Female Serrano = Jalarano

Male Serrano/Female Jalapeno = Serpeno
they are named from the common name of the parents...

OK, this could be fun :)

Male Jamaican Hot/Female Chocolate Hab = Hot Chocolate
Male Bermuda Hot/Female Tabasco Short = Bermuda Shorts
Christmas Bell / Thai Hot Ornamental = Christmas Ornament

I'm sure y'all can come up with better ones.
What makes this more fun for me is that in my small garden, where I don't invest any energy to isolate plants, I have no idea what happens. I always grow some seed where I know exactly what it is, but it is more fun to grow plants from collected, which may or may not have resulted from a cross!