chinense How are your bonnets doing?

Those from the humble servants may be huge but I've grown them too and on average they are just as large as the other bonnet varieties I've grown. And they aren't as perfect looking either... but they certainly are good quality bonnets.
Agree, 100%.
After a first taste test I can immediately say that I prefer the pineapple-only jam. The taste of the mango is too predominantly present.
I don't want to keep going on about the pineapple-mango-scotch-bonnet-jam but I tasted it again this morning after it was cooled down to fridge temperature and now I have to say that I do like the taste of it. It now has an apricot jam taste but with a good kick! 🌶
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Hi Guy's

As a newbie to growing Bonnet's I've a question re saving seed my Beth Both has one pod different from the rest ......kind of cool 😎

What's the chances of seeds saved from this "different " pod replicating.........?


Beth Boyd sown late grown in a 5 litre pot reason being I've hot too many 😁


The odd pod, different from all the rest on the right.......


If I only sow seeds from this pod what percentage would share these traits ??

The shape of the particular pod will not make a difference to the offspring. It's the genetics of the plant that count...

Ditto this. Also .... certain strains of scotch bonnets are notorious for throwing all kinds of different shapes so its not an unusual thing to have happen. The MOAs will sometimes have three different pod "styles" all on the same plant. There are some other lines are more consistent in pod shape.
The shape of the particular pod will not make a difference to the offspring. It's the genetics of the plant that count...
Every fruit is different. I grow 99.9 percent OP & Heirloom fruit & vegetables & every pepper, Tomato, eggplant is unique.
By habit I choose the best looking fruit for harvesting seed from. Truth be known I'll bet you will get plants just as good from
small fruits due to genetics.

Every bonnet I have gotten so far, hat shape or not is still as delicious as the last.
A Scotch Bonnet is a special pepper that can't be imitated by a Habanero, both have noticeable flavors.
The odd pod, different from all the rest.......
Like the look of your pods, but I wonder if they're really Beth Boyd SB. I know there's a lot of pod variance, but these look a little off to me. Was your seed source commercial? Just curious. Still a nice pepper, either way.
Some mild SBs thst have been stemmed, and seeded. I put them under the broiler for a little bit, got them slightly charred and now they’re in the dehydrator. Tomorrow, I will grind them up into powder.


And here are some that are fermenting in brine that I am going to make some sauce out of.

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Some mild SBs thst have been stemmed, and seeded. I put them under the broiler for a little bit, got them slightly charred and now they’re in the dehydrator. Tomorrow, I will grind them up into powder.
You say Mild? How is the taste compared to the Orange ones?
You say Mild? How is the taste compared to the Orange ones?
Good question. They don’t really seem to have much pronounced flavor. They’re not fruity or tropical. They will turn orange before turning red, but they mature red., almost like a plain bell pepper.
I gotta know. What do the red Scotch bonnets smell & taste like? Should I rush right out and get some MOA reds?
There are peppers we have smelled & tasted that make a real impression on us, that we don't forget. Is a Red Bonnie like that?
There are peppers we have smelled & tasted that make a real impression on us, that we don't forget. Is a Red Bonnie like that?
Based upon these, I would say, no. I’m not sure where they came from. My mother ordered some seeds, mild and hot SBs,

That being said, wait for updates. I’m fermenting some and dehydrating some others to turn into powder. Reports will be forthcoming.
Update. I roasted the SBs under the broiler and charred them a little as well as hit 165f+ (thank you, @HellfireFarm) Today, I got out the Wondermill, Jr. grinder and made pepper powder. Haven’t used it in years, and had to find all the pieces with a false start, but got it. Note, need to use a food processor to turn it into flakes (or hand crush it) to get it to go in the mill. Turned out good. An intense ‘smoked paprika’ like flavor that I think will go really well in tacos or chili.

Also dehydrated a half dozen (I think are) Ghost peppers and made powder. It had more seeds and was more course but I had far less to run through the mill and the end is more course.

Side note, I tried running the mill by hand and broke out the 1/2” drill attachment and let it do the work. Side note 2, wear a mask. We were coughing,

On a different topic, my fermenting mild SBs, seem to be doing well. One quart developed kahm yeast, which I fished out. Harmless but would rather not have it. Both seem to be fermenting well and if you move the jar release CO2, which indicates it’s working. Maybe get some tangy pepper sauce.

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Side note 2, wear a mask. We were coughing,
Didn't think to mention that! We use the 3M N95 respirators with the replacable cartridges specific for organic vapors. Depending on your grinder, consider eye protection - a faceful of habanero powder isn't very pleasant even with a respirator (i know this first hand)
Coming right along, next batch ready for the freezer. :party:

Dang... my bonnets don't even want to ripen... my plants (not only bonnets) are heavily loaded but they're all still green. The odd thing is... the plants that I discarded and no longer care for are full of ripe pods. Maybe I'm taking too good care of them? It's like young adults that stay living with their parents instead of looking for their own place to live... 😁
I have been rewarded with good crops of SB from seeds saved from peppers from supermarket.
I do not too much attention to heredity traits, shapes and color. I crush the peppers in a blender
to make hot sauce. I will surely make some pineapple, mango, SB jelly using your suggestions.
Will give you my take on the new experience. Thanks.
I have bad luck with my scotch brains plants... earlier this week I noticed that most if not all pods from the scotch brains 7pod pheno were infested with something. Enough reason to destroy all pods and the plant. I didn't want to take the risk that my other plants would get infested too. And it is especially sad because of all my plants this was the nicest one... 😥

And then this morning when checking my other scotch brains plant, the main branch loaded with unripe pods broke off! 😲 It already lost another main branch a couple of months ago and this created a weak spot on the stem causing the other branch to break. The plant now only has one smaller branch remaining. Oh well.... 🙄
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