chinense How are your bonnets doing?

That's ok as long as temperatures don't drop too low...
Looks like you might be ok for a few weeks, based on the forecast, but you’re getting ready to cool off with highs in the upper 60s and lows in the lower 50s. Maybe you’ll get lucky and they’ll ripen. As you as long as it doesn’t go too cold.
Sure... I think I already posted it somewhere on the forum but I'd have to look for it myself, so here goes...

Clean a pineapple, keeping all the good stuff. Cut to pieces and put in blender. Clean the scotch bonnets - I usually use 3 larger ones - remove seeds. Add to blender and make a mash. Weigh the resulting amount of mash.
Put the mash in a pan and add sugar. I use a sugar with added pectin, the type that requires equal amounts of fruit and sugar by weight. Add juice of one lime. Bring to a boil and (with the sugar I use) boil for 4 minutes. Put resulting jam in jars... done.

I'm about to make a new batch of jam and this time I will use a pineapple and 2 mangos. I'll probably be using 4 or 5 scotch bonnets to add to this larger amount of fruit. Or I might use a 7pot? 🤔

Edit: here's a description that I posted before...
Thanks for the Pineapple Scotch bonnet jam recipe @MarcV . It's something very special for my Hot Belgian Waffles :party:
I gave your recipe to Mrs. Marturo, she made 2 batches. She made 1 batch with 4 Bonnets & another batch with 5 bonnets. she labeled the 5 bonnet as Atomic Bonnet jam On Banana bread it's addicting to say the least. Just what I need for the winter time blues.
Great! In the mean time I found that the juice of 2 limes may be a bit too much. Depends a bit on the size of the limes...

I made a pineapple+mango batch with a yellow 7pot brainstrain also. This gives a different burn sensation compared to the scotch bonnet version. I only used one 7pot but should at least have used two... have to say I prefer the scotch bonnet burn though but my bonnets of the 2023 season are not good enough (not enough heat)...