Hey y'all,
I started my first batch of fermented hot sauce two weeks ago. I opened my mason jar and found lots of weird molds! Green, brown, white.... all on peppers that weren't totally submerged in the brine (just read before posting that is a big no-no). So, my question is... is my sauce ruined? It doesn't smell bad, but it doesn't smell particularly spicy or fermented... tried a drop of the brine (after taking the moldy bits out) and it was more sweet than spicy, but did have a vegetable-y flavor. Should I let it ferment longer? If so, how should I adjust it? Should I go to the hospital after trying a drop? haha...
I started my first batch of fermented hot sauce two weeks ago. I opened my mason jar and found lots of weird molds! Green, brown, white.... all on peppers that weren't totally submerged in the brine (just read before posting that is a big no-no). So, my question is... is my sauce ruined? It doesn't smell bad, but it doesn't smell particularly spicy or fermented... tried a drop of the brine (after taking the moldy bits out) and it was more sweet than spicy, but did have a vegetable-y flavor. Should I let it ferment longer? If so, how should I adjust it? Should I go to the hospital after trying a drop? haha...