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outdoors How can deer hunting be a sport?

I don't get it.  They keep saying deer hunting is a sport but you can just walk into the woods and pick one up.  Its like saying shopping is a sport.  OK, maybe on Black Friday shopping is a sport.  Hair was shorter, belly larger, and the rug rat wasn't yet embarrassed by a shirtless dad.

Seriously, people like to say its not about money, its not about this, its not about that.  I have a different take.  Instead of saying what it is not about, I am going to say this is what it is about for us.  Trying to live in relative peace with the world around us.  I have no issue with hunting, but you don't take the young.  This poor thing was trapped in some barbed wire left over from when our outback was cattle pasture. 

Heard her screaming, found a bloody mess and her mama screaming bloody murder.  Cleaned her up to find it was nothing but scratches from the wire. She couldnt stand so figured she'd been there long enough to dehydrate.  Couldnt get her to latch on to one of our goats, so milked the goat and bottle fed the doe.  When she could stand, I returned her to her mother who had waited and screamed at our back fence line for hours.

Ye, my workshop is a mess.  Worse now.  Tried to hire a maid but she screamed and ran away.

   Aj,I live in Iowa,After you spend around 4000$ every time one of those SOB"s jump the ditch and smash your car,.Its not a sport anymore.It's revenge.they make better jerky then a hood ornament,That's just me..And the thousands of Iowa''s swerving to miss a damn deer as I am typing this. ;)
Not a sport, its dinner lol. Its also called hunting not shopping and you cant just go into the woods and always have success. Population management is another good reason. But no you don't kill the young and all hunters no this. Now poachers and people with no respect will, but hunters do not like poachers. That's pretty cool of you to have been able to return the fawn to its mother.
Steelers nation in Wisconsin.. da hell??? Hunting is absolutely a sport. It is very strenuous to walk a mile and a half with 80lbs of clothing on in the PA winter wonderland, and if you are lucky enough to bag one, then there is that drag. The drag is a drag. So glad my brother bought one of those "buck buggy" carts. Oh and you wear cool blaze orange uniforms. Sounds like a sport to me.
JayT said:
Steelers nation in Wisconsin.. da hell??? Hunting is absolutely a sport. It is very strenuous to walk a mile and a half with 80lbs of clothing on in the PA winter wonderland, and if you are lucky enough to bag one, then there is that drag. The drag is a drag. So glad my brother bought one of those "buck buggy" carts. Oh and you wear cool blaze orange uniforms. Sounds like a sport to me.
The problem is Jay, you need to actually get one first!  Quit yer bitchin!
The reason I dont consider deer hunting a sport is because the 'hunter'(humans )always has the advantage, and many at that, over the deer. A sport to me is a competition or game, and the deer have no clue they are part of the game. Im not one of those peta ppl, or one of those 'Awwww Bambi' ppl. I just think deer hunting is recreation, but not necessarily a sport. When I go fishing, I never say I fish for sport( because I throw back or give away), I say I fish for fun. I'd love to see any person that considers themself a hunter left in some remote area populated with all sorts of wild life and game, and without factory produced advantages(clothing, scent killers, weapons etc.) go bag one. I got nothing against guys that kill deer for fun(because thats what it is), just dont call it a sport, because its not.

Oh and Steelers Nation is everywhere, even Wisconsin.
I could write a 20 paragraph post about this topic but I won't. But I will say thank you Drew for saving a life and actually caring, to me an animal's life is no less important than a humans :-).
Opening day here is a holiday from school. lol
I wanna see the losing quarterback laying stomach down on the field while the winner pulls his head up so a photo can be snapped after the next superbowl.
Most hunters shoot like shit anyway.
I love to hunt. There is a big difference from those who hunt for food and those who do so called sport hunting. A lot of sport hunters will give the meat to local homeless shelters and such. I'm not saying sport hunting is good, but there is a difference.

Poachers are not hunters, they are thieves.
Can't really see it as "Hunting," given the advantages the human holds.  If the deer occasionally prevailed and claimed a human every so often... well then you'd have a respectable sport. 
"Population control?"  Perhaps.  But only because you've killed all the natural predators.
Car vs. Deer?  You're lucky they don't have ambulance chasing lawyers!
"His F.O.R.D. Death Machine came at me out of nowhere!  It must have been going 75 miles per hour!"
"I lost a child to those things two years ago; won't someone please stop the slaughter?!"
If you want to call blasting poor cute little deers with a canon as a form of free-range farming, go for it.

Just remember, YOU KILLED BAMBI!!!   :cry:
And a big "Attaboy" to AJ for being a kind soul.  :)
"Population control?"  Perhaps.  But only because you've killed all the natural predators.

^^Quoted from Geonerd (I accidentally erased the quote square things lol)

I find it funny that we "control" animal populations when we are the ones destroying and taking away their homeland. Why dont we "control" our own species ;-)

Like someone else said, its one thing to hunt responsibly for food but to me "sport" hunting is just a legal way to go kill something for fun and release the inner caveman in us all.

In my state bobcats were nearly wiped out and on our endangered species list, hunting them was made illegal. The minute they were taken off the endagered species list they made hunting them legal again and people got all excited to go blast them again. I've never heard of people in my parts "hunting" them for food, just the thrill of killing something I guess? A trophey of your manhood? I don't bash a responsible hunter who will fully use the animal but the "sport" hunters who kill just for the sake of killing aggrivates me.

BTW, loved the football super bowl analogy above :-)
Hunting and fishing can be sport. When you spend time and money to improve yourself it is sport. Cocaine and strippers can be sport if you have the right attitude for the job. They spend hours in the woods/water honing there skills for a entire life time in some cases. Its also a passion and those dudes never waste the meat. If they do,they are poachers.  
    I have never been a hunter,but have killed for food. I have done my fair share of sport fishing but prefer"catching" more. Meaning I like to go catch food. Got so good at I burnt myself out on crappie and cats years ago when I needed the fish to surive. Cant buy beer and food when you young,lol. I have no problem with people that hunt or fish for sport because it can be sport .  
  By the way Whats the odds that baby still alive?  ;)  I got some sporty odds that could make this interesting.
hookers and blow for sport? brilliant!

Hunt for Mule Deer in Blue Mountains, Steens Mountains, Rockies and tell me it's not sport. It's much different than the south and Midwest where it's more like harvesting than hunting. 