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How can I get forum members to buy my peppers?

I recently got into hot sauces and decided to grow my own garden last year. I really enjoyed it. I'm looking to expand my garden this year and would like to sell fresh pods. last year I put up a for sale post about a SFRB of mixed superhots, but no one took interest. I would hate to see that problem when it comes time again to pick pods this year. I live in south Louisiana, it gets warm down here, and our grow seasons are longer so I know I can produce great pods. Last year, my first grow turned out great. Pods were picture perfect and tasted great. So, I'm very interested in selling this year. Does anyone have any suggestions for me to get members to buy my peppers?
Put them up for sale (post included in price), put up pics of them, and send them promptly.

Or even send a few out for free at. Not SFRB size, but smaller samplers of a few peppers.

Once people know what to expect, you'll do fine.
Now that that's over with, going with the extreme business would help, as would starting a website and showing what your garden's like would help a fair amount. People buy more depending on how approachable someone seems. That being said, when you have something in stock let me know, and we'll see whether you're able to sell any pods. Also, try growing some rare varieties. Peter peppers as well, those have a one in twenty chance of turning out in a way that people would pay a bit extra for. I myself am trying to start a spicy chocolate business once my friend can master a cooking tech and once I sort out some leaf spot issues, and I could always use some extra pods for that.
Sell for less than what they could be. No more than 1;50 a pod. Except for the more unusual/hard to grow ones like the giant white hab.
Have peppers when nobody else does.
Some have to damn near give them away before they rot when everyone has pods for sale.
You won't make a living off of forum sales.
Heck just do what I am going to do....give em away for postage only. I have a fulltime job and don't need new money so I grow because I have the room and love to grow and eat peppers. Freeze and dry what you want for your consumption and sauces give away the rest for postage so you don't loose money. Any money, extra money I get aside from postage I will just donate to a non-profit. I also grow for a local food bank so really making money off growing is not for me. Just saying works for me....
Jeff H said:
Be more active in the forum and post more so people know who you are. 
If you posted a SFRB as a new member, no one was interested because you very well could have been a scammist. You now have 21 posts after a full year. You have a slightly better chance of someone purchasing from you, but I would not purchase from someone who is not an active participant in the community, nor would I purchase from someone who is only selling goods. Get involved before expecting someone to blindly send payment to you.
Get yourself a profile pic and just join in the discussions. You'll do fine! 