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How did you pick your username?

I got my user name from being a football Coach... during those rare times when I have spare time and have a life. :dance:
I was in the adult film industry in the 80's, a stunt double in the 70's, a free speech activist in the 60's and flew the BAC Lightening as a test pilot in the 50's. Life's been pretty quiet since the 80's so I just call myself rooze.
When I was in my late teens/early twenties I used to be into doing case modifications to computers. Putting windows in to see the inside of the computer, installing lights to light it up, adding extra fans, etc. The number 26 was my uniform number when I played baseball in college. Now being married, with a 4 year old daughter, and another one along the way, I do not have time, nor the funds to do that anymore. But I've just stuck with the username.
Several years ago I got bored online and decided to become an online minister. It was totally a joke but everyone started to call me Reverand. So I use the name on any site that I am on and people even introduce me as Reverand these days.
Ah well, I'll take it- my fult anyway. :cheers:
back when i was in 7th grade (forever ago) I wanted to start a band called Bell Told 12, and even though I've been in a handful of bands, none of them were "worthy" of getting that name. I began using it for e-mails, user names, etc., etc., and still do. Then I started going to school for digital audio/electronic music and decided to just use it for myself. Now I use it as a moniker for any creative project I get involved with. So at this point it's become my alias.
not very creative I know but I'm a freak for chiles, I dont eat much of anything w/o hot sauce, powder, flakes, or fresh chiles, I freakin' love chiles! :hell:
I used to keep Crotalus cerberus - the Black rattlesnake. Cerberus is the three headed dog that guards the gates of hell. Not sure if that explains it.
I used to keep Crotalus cerberus - the Black rattlesnake. Cerberus is the three headed dog that guards the gates of hell. Not sure if that explains it.
PERFECTLY, everyone knows 'black rattlesnakes' evolved from 'Three headed hell gate guardin dogs!' ....

GNSLNGR was an old call sign....resurected later by buddies when I was toting 2 laptops for a while(one personal, one for 'work')it was used as a log in, and
I'm lazy and just kept using it - its easy,so am I. :rofl: