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How do you do it?

I repotted 18 plants today, and it is just a boring and dirty chore. On top of that I couldn't help but think that the next time I do this there will be at least twice as many plants... Correct that - about 4-5 times as many as I'm going to start some pretty flowers, herbs, vegetables etc... I know that I will be rewarded for my work, but right now I just see it as time I'd rather have spent on something more fun.

A question for those of you who grow hundreds of plants: How the h*ll do you do it?
well I dont grow hundreds but I enjoy doing it. Granted when I do it I get to spend time outside in the sun with my shirt off getting a tan but... I think that is why AJ is never around anymore. From sun up to sun down he is potting plants. Also I dont start many veggies inside, perks of not living in solid ice :)
Yeah its a lot of work but i enjoy it. What i hate is washing and sterilizing the pots to prevent any deseases for the next year. But its all worth it. The end result is heaps of beautiful chiles for everyone to eat!;)
I don't usually mind re-potting and playing in the dirt. I guess I've done it all my life both for business and hobby, and this is getting towards the busiest time of year.
When possible try to get in a rythm with some good music, good friends(helpers), and good beer. It makes the job go much quicker

Potting up 18 plants would take me around 20 to 30 minutes, not counting the time to mix a batch of my medium (another 20 to 30 minutes). I don't have any special technique; just fill the empty pot about two thirds full, make a hole for the new plant, fill in around it and water them all with a weak feeding when the last one for the session is finished. No matter how ya do it, it's dirty work. :)
I think a lot of folk may like playing in the dirt, Mr. Arboc. I think the rewards of harvest give a person a sense of pride, too. I have not had too much luck in the past, but I have to tell you, it makes me happy to put my hands into the soil!- perhaps it is my blue collar roots. Long line of rural people in my lineage. even seeing a plant pop up out of the ground is reward enough for me to keep at it. My incentive to begin was the delicious treats a friend sent me from his own harvest, and the beautiful pictures of peppers I saw here.
Hmm, best get that homework done so I can go pop a beer and repot some more peppers.....