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water How do you water plants when on vacation?

I'm going away for 4 days next week. How can i see that my plants (the herbs in this case) well watered?? The peppers won't need watering, but i've never left plants for more than a day.
Got good neighbours?

If not, can you move the plants to a more sheltered place? Can they be put in shallow saucers of water?

What about putting some shade-cloth over them so they don't get full sun and dry out?

I would think a good watering should see them thru for 4 days tho'.

Hi Fine - ya man...same issue with me. I am going on vacation tomorrow for 11 days, and I am scared to death about my chili and tomato plants. Like Ring Sting said, asking neighbor is a good thing, but then again asking them to spend atleast an hour a day water the plants is burdening. What if they forget to water it? I would be worried too much during the vacation.
I spent around 150 bucks, excluding the timer, to set up the drip system. I have about 50 containers, 4 4x8 raised beds and a row of 21 tomatoes. Depending on the size of your garden, your miles may vary. The most expensive part is the automated timer, 30-40 bucks, then you need a filter, pressure regulater and backflow stopper. Rest are pipes and fittings and drip heads.
I am 90% done with my project, I will finish it off today. If I have time, I will post pictures. I started a thread on drip system, asking folks for their opinion and suggestion... http://www.thehotpepper.com/showthread.php?t=6669. check it out.
I agree with Potawie, if you are growing your plants in gardens only, not in the containers, get some soaker hose and timer.

Good luck with your settings.
Hmm i don't know, nor do i trust my neighbors. I should clarify that i live in an apartment with no hoses or anything like that. Thing is, if i don't water my herbs every other day, they wilt and get horrible looking. I suppose i could move them out of the direct sunlight, but i don't know that would work for it.

I may end up asking my girl's mom, but i don't know if that'd go over well with my girl to have her mom alone in our place and risk seeing any messy stuff. :)
I may end up asking my girl's mom, but i don't know if that'd go over well with my girl to have her mom alone in our place and risk seeing any messy stuff

How about hauling your herbs containers to your Girl's Mom's place. :)
Sanj said:
How about hauling your herbs containers to your Girl's Mom's place. :)

That's what I was thinking. Then it wouldn't be inconvenient for her. If I leave for a long time. I have my younger sis keep an eye on them.
Sanj said:
How about hauling your herbs containers to your Girl's Mom's place. :)
Check the avatar...it doesn't lie. Ain't happenin in a Beetle. Truth be told, i'd much rather give her my keys if it comes to it.

But is there a way i can set up a 2 liter soda bottle to drip slowly into the containers??
fineexampl said:
Check the avatar...it doesn't lie. Ain't happenin in a Beetle. Truth be told, i'd much rather give her my keys if it comes to it.

But is there a way i can set up a 2 liter soda bottle to drip slowly into the containers??

Awwww come on. I strapped the first deer I killed years ago on top of a Ford Focus. It can work:hell::lol:. However, if you don't want to mess up your car though that's definitely understandable.:)
I kinda thought you might be space limited (ie. indoors).

Do you have a leaky tap?

As a kid, mum used to round up all the house plants and put em in the shower. There was a skylight/sunny window in the b/room tho'.

I'm sure some hot glue, some dripper line and dripper heads and a couple of 2L bottles would work, but I think a dripping tap, if the pot's not too big, would be just as good.


PS speaking of drippers, someone mentioned awhile ago (billyboy I think) that they put 2 drip heads in each pot just in case one blocks, not so important if away a week or so w/ established plants... .
But is there a way i can set up a 2 liter soda bottle to drip slowly into the containers??
Depending on the size of your containers, you can do it. Your plants are indoor, right? If not, then put them out where they only get partial sunlight, not full sun all day. If you have a bigger container pot, then use gallon Milk jugs - fill the jug up with water, cap it tightly, make a small hole on the cap, place it upside down next to the plant root.
all my plants are outdoors. If i was more clever and with better resources i'd rig pvc on a light drip out the window to the plants, but than it'd just leave the window open and that isn't good.

What about roping bottles over the plants and pricking them with a pin? maybe 2-3 per container and using bamboo sticks so they don't blow away off the containers?
I'm on the first floor with a balcony above me with hooks already there. Maybe i can raid the recycling bins and grab a few 2liters, some twine and use my spare bamboo rods to stabilize them and pop em with a thumb tack so you get a pinhole size stream slowly through the day. They just need to get through wednesday when i get home. I leave sunday morning.

and to answer the other question, i have 2 3ft longer window boxes, and a few individual planters on the cement. And yeah, some reasonable weight can be hung.

I think this may do it.

Any other suggestions are welcome though. If anything really clever comes up, i'm very interested.

Low cost options are HIGHLY welcome.
You can buy cheap drip spikes that attach to soda bottles. You can see one in this pic but with only a small bottle. I usually use 2 liter bottles.

If you dont need the bottles again, how about hanging them with twine tied around their necks so that they hang straight, and piercing somewheres in the bottom of the bottle? perhaps do a couple of "test" bottles to see how big a hole/ how many tiny holes or if the cap should be on tight, or if you need a small pin hole somewhere else in the bottle.

I think this is what Potawie is referring to:
RS, yeah, that's exactly what i'm thinking about doing. It'd be cheaper than the spikes, though i do like that idea as well. I'll check at Lowes tomorrow, but i'm gonna go simple. If the herbs don't last the 4 days, maybe when i get home they'll just be limp and i can dehydrate them for later use and get new plants.